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Sandzu's whole 30 experiment


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This is my first attempt at whole 30. I discovered paleo last year and attempted to follow the plan, but one that included plenty of chocolate, dairy, and paleo - fied junk food. I was ok until I gave myself permission to have a bit of ice cream in the summer. That scoop of ice cream just snowballed out of control and I found myself totally helpless to every craving that came my way. My friends and family have not been a lot of help either. Surrounded by junk food junkies and weight watchers addicts; my journey can get difficult and lonely so I am hoping to find other, more positive connections. It's time for some tough love. Time to make my health a priority and not succumb to the temptations around me. Now is a perfect opportunity. Other people try to fast the first week of January - this is kind of like a fast - I'm fasting garbage - just eating real food. The plan is to start January 1, 2013. In the meant time I will be trying to psych myself up, lay down the rules, prep some meals and throw out the junk ( so I don't accidentally eat it). I am also going to plan my response to anyone who unintentionally tries to thwart my goals. ( "no thank you, I am doing a whole 30 right now") I will just keep saying it until it becomes an automatic response. Lol

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It pays to ask questions!!! :) lol I don't hunt myself but a freind of mine does. I asked him if he got a deer this year and he happily affirmed that he did and it was already at the butchers. I asked what he did with the bones. With a rather puzzled look he said he threw them away. With a big smile of anticipation, I suggested he throw them my way and I would make a soup :) The next day he brought me a bag of deer bones for my soup and a roast and two pounds of mince ........lol ... I pays to ask questions!!!

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I am planning out some emergency meals to have in the freezer and ready to go for days when run short on time and need real food in a hurry. I may have talked someone into joining me :). Although she is not sure she could give up quinoa for a whole month. She is going to think about it and we will talk more tomorrow.

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Great! When I started my whole35 in Nov I bundled up my different packets of quinoa and millet into one container to use after my whole35. But when I got to that I thought... do I really need it? do I really want to go back to grain breakfasts? So I chucked it all out onto the vegie garden. I still have brown rice in the house for the family so I figure if I want grains I can have that.... life is so much simpler when you dont have to keep a huge variety of gluten free grains and flours in your pantry!

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Day 1

It sort of went ok so far...... I did end up consuming a few things that should not have been consumed ..... yikes!! Made new years day dinner and did a lot of other pre- cooking for the rest of the week.

B - 3 eggs scrambled with some slightly bad bacon

The bacon was still in my fridge and while it is all natural without nitrites but it does contain cane sugar

L - breakfast was late so I didnt actually have lunch

D - roast turkey, some potato, yam, carrot, gravy, blueberry juice ( unwine)

the bad things on the list were the potato, but not very much, the gravy probably had some wheat in it and the berry juice was a bit sweet.

I am very tired tonight as I have been on my feet all day. I have cheated a bit for the first day but no too seriously (no junk food). Tomorrow should be better

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Day 2

I had a terrible sleep last night and was tired in the morning and spacy -- missed breakfast and almost missed lunch -- Yikes. Managed to defrost some beef soup I had made last week. It was a bone broth soup with some potatoes and carrots. The potato is not really allowed but I was not as prepared as I had hoped. Hopefully the bone broth will help me get past this spacey feeling. I was going to try getting to bed by 10 but its already 10 and I am still on the computer so I had best make this short.

B - nothing

L - Beef bone broth soup with potatoes and carrots

S - small orange

D - left over roast turkey, with yam, carrots, and green beans

S - handful of walnuts

and I am off to get some well needed rest so I can have a better day tomorrow.

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You and I have a few things in common....starting paleo last year and I also ate many paleo-fied goodies as I was trying to get my family to join my healthier way of eating. I fell off the paleo wagon around October (darn Halloween candy) and unfortunately for me, once I give in I have absolutely no self control. November and December were filled with too many sugary goodies.

This is also my first Whole 30. Preparation is key for making this easier to be successful and I love your idea of emergency meals.

Congrats on the score with your friend!

Hope you were able to get some rest!

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Hi Sandzu, You can do this! I'm on my second W30 and can totally relate to your snowball after your ice cream! Mine trigger was at Thanksgiving with pumpkin cheesecake, then the holidays. I gave up on the bacon idea during the W30, and started buying ground pork from a local farmer, then making my own seasoned sausage patties. They are delicious!!! And recently I have discovered that I can just bake a whole stoneware pan of them making the process that much easier.

Brilliant about the deer, congratulations!

Lastly, make a roast and chicken soup and use 1-2 cup freezer containers so you have ready-made meals. I often heat up leftover meat and throw in 2-3 cups of spinach, which cooks down to practically nothing, for a quick meal. Don't kick yourself, just keep moving forward. It is SO worth it! :)

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Day 3 - I think I am dying :( -- or at least hung over ..... My head is spinning so fast, trying to think just gives me a headache. I know its just all that sugar I had been consuming.

B - carrot soufle and some home made deer sausage ( yummy, I like trying something new)

L - 2 scrambled eggs, small orange ( this is when my brain checked out and I couldnt think of anything else to eat)

s - a coconut oil lump

D - Turkey soup with carrots and celery

I saw the idea for the coconut lump on another site ( I dont remember what they had called it) . I put unsweetened coconut in small ice cube trays and fill it with melted coconut oil and put in the freezer. When I am craving a treat, I have a coconut oil lump. My brain thinks I am eating a treat but its only coconut oil :)

Went for a drive with a freind to the Bison Farm in Black Creek ( about a 30 min. drive) and got a few pieces of meat with no preservatives or additives and definately no anti-biotics. :)

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Day 4

Woke up before my alarm. Sleep was not great but better. No headache this morning. :).

B- tin of sardines - I wanted to eat right away so I didn't take too long and missed breakfast again

L - sausage and cabbage - comfort food. I love cabbage but it made me a bit gassy later in the day

S - cup of tea with a friend and an orange later while making dinner ( was getting hungry and didn't want to be starving by dinner

D - last of the turkey soup with yam and carrot

Starting to feel a bit emotionally volatile. I am not sure if I am thinking straight and making decisions seems hard. I think I will wait a bit before doing anything rash.

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Day 5 - Thank you for the words of encouragement. :) Sometimes I feel like and alien in a strange world. Most people I come in contact with here in the valley have never heard of whole 30, or paleo for that matter. My friends mostly think I am strange and try to talk me into quitting and do what they do ( eat more sugar, junk food, or count calories / points).Its like we don't speak the same languaged. Uuuuggghhh...... Being able to log in and read the different posts is so encouraging ...sometimes its all that keeps me sane. Actually, I have been a bit mentally unsettled again today, but not as bad as yesterday. I am seeing improvement. I woke up early again today without a headache. I felt very calm and centered for a change. Ofen I feel like my inner-self and my outer-self are not in sync. My inner-self starts going too fast in one direction and my outer-self has a hard time keeping up - I feel stressed out and exhausted. But today was different, I experiences some moments of serenity and wholeness. I didn't feel rushed and managed to get a lot done. :)

B - scrambled eggs, sausage (bison), peppers, mushrooms, onions (big breakfast), Roobios tea

L - 1/2 tin Salmon with 1/2 Avacado ( still a bit full from breakfast)

s - ginger tea

D - steak,with peppers and broccoli in Ghee

I feel like I ate a lot today. Hoping for a good sleep tonight.

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Day 6 - I am thinking that I might actually be sick. I bounce between feeling great and feeling aweful. Sometimes I feels so calm and wonderful and an hour later I have a headache, a back ache, or sore glands. I am just gonna try to rest a bit more and try not to do too much even if I feel great -- at the time -- .

B- scrambled eggs and avocado and tomatoes

L - big salad with turkey, cucumber and tomatoe, banana

D - cauliflower rice with Thai curried chicken and peppers

S - banana and spoon of coconut oil

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Day 7 well I have come to the end of my first week and not feeling as doom and gloom as I was earlier. The headaches have lifted for now. Whether they return tomorrow or not remains to be seen.

B - carrot soufflé with homemade deer sausages and a banana

L - big green salad topped with leftover turkey, small orange and a black coffee

D - chicken thighs in a coconut milk based sauce with cauliflower mash and carrots

Today was my first attempt at a black coffee. I usually take it with full fat cream but dairy is off the menu for 100 days. I am not a big coffee drinker but I do prefer it to tea. I don't often make it at home and the coffee shops around here don't have coconut milk as an option. I was a bit unsure of drinking it black but it wasn't too bad. I might get used to it and after 100 days it might be preferred. Lol

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I found my journals from last spring when I first discovered the paleo diet. Reading about my first journey was very eye opening and inspiring. I noticed that I struggled a lot with stress and exhaustion never finding the elusive energy I longed for. I had a lot of carb cravings and gave in quite a lot. I still managed to lose weight. I had noted everything I ate so I was able to see that I had consumed a lot of fake sugar through diet pop sweetened with stevia. I also ate a lot of bacon, chocolate, and dairy. This time around I am not eating that junk. I am striving for more than just weight loss, I want energy and a calm centred mind - no anxiety. I am thinking that the diet pop, chocolate, dairy, and even bacon was a big part of the problem. At the end of my 100 days I would like to try adding these items separately just to see what happens. Perhaps they are all poison for me and should never be consumed again. I am excited to see what this new journey will reveal.

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Day 8

Feeling high today.

B- carrot soufflé, home made deer sausage

L - raw veggies, bison sausage, black coffee, banana

D- big salad w/ chicken topped with olive oil and fresh lemon

Lol - people tell me I am glowing today Ha Ha Ha

I'm definitely feeling happy

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Day 9

Feeling good today. Had a great sleep. I bought some magnesium oil yesterday because I tend to get foot spasms in the night. I tubed some on my feet when I went to sleep and had no spasms - slept like a rock.

B - scrambled omelette with bison sausage and peppers with yam hash browns and a cup of expresso with coconut milk

I am wondering if I need to be concerned with my dropping body temp. I am hypo thyroid and taking natural thyroid meds. My temp has always been low (96.5) and I would like to see it come up. My dr doesn't believe in the temperature hypothesis but I tend to watch it anyway. I have noticed a drop in my temp this week instead of the rise I was hopping for ( 95.8). I feel fine otherwise so I am not sure if I should be concerned or maybe give it some time to fix itself. Ok, not going to worry about it any more - the sun is out and I am off to get some sun before it disappears again.

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Called a friend and we went for a long walk - forgot about lunch. I wasn't hungry at all - I did have a big breakfast.have a venison post roast in the oven with some yams and carrots, mashed cauliflower warming on the stove. Ankles hurting from the walk. I have heard of feet or legs hurting, but ankles? I must have a weird body. Anyway, going to rest my ankles and maybe soak my feet later in Epsom salt . Over all was a good day :)

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I have not posted for a few days - staying compliant - just hibernating. It's gotten cold here and I am not handling it well. All I want to do is huddle under a warm blanket drinking my broth waiting for the cold to go away.

Well made it to day 13 - I was feeling better a few days ago but today I feel fat and grouchy - I think it's the cold - lol but it's almost 2 weeks now - how great is that. I have bend thinking about the chocolate stashed in my freezer - it's still there.

Try to push myself outside to walk in the sunshine when it's here - it may be cold but it is sunny - much better than our usual grey rainy days. Started tai chi last Thursday - I think it will be good for me - he stresses learning to relax- I need relax :)

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Nice to know I am not alone in this :) day 14 is different - having crazy thoughts about food. Dreaming about stocking up on Mac and cheese (yuck) - thinking about eating cookies. This is the first time this has hit me ... Hope it passes soon.

My tai chi was cancelled :( do I switch to a circuit class that focuses more on free weights than cardio - first class was tonight so I might be in pain tomorrow - lol

B-carrot soufflé 1/2 avocado, raspberries and 2 slices prosciutto

L - 2 eggs, banana

D - venison soup, water , banana, hand ful macadamia nuts

I was very tired and slept late so breakfast was almost lunch and lunch was more like a snack before dinner. Hoping my sleep pattern will work itself out soon :)

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Day 18 - I have fallen behind a bit on posting but still on the plan :) I have had numerous cravings for sugar and thinking a lot about the chocolate in my freezer. I am forced to confess that I am a sugar-aholic/ sugar addict. I can not have any sugar - EVER - or I will be hooked again. One bite of chocolate right now and I will have lost this battle. Thankfully, my son, wanting to save me from myself, ate the menacing chocolate for me and removed it from tempting me. :ph34r: I have noticed that my emotions and psychi have been a lot less dark and negative lately. I was starting to get concerned that I was not capable of thinking clearly. When I look back of the first few days I noticed that I had been eating more avocados. I increased my avocado intake in hopes to relieve the headaches I had been experiencing. It worked! The headaches are gone and so is the depression and negative outlook - Yay!!!! Avocados are amazing - An avocado a day keeps the mental hospital away :P

I have been very busy lately - tai chi was cancelled so I have joined circuit training at the community centre. They focus more on weights and less on cardio ( althought there is still some cardio) and I am really enjoying it. I had wanted to start slow because of my foot problems and I was concerned that this class would be too much for me. But it has turned out to be a small group and I can move at my own pace and if there is something that I cant do because of my foot, the trainer has found something else that works better for me. So I find I am very happy that I am in this group. My mucsles are sore in a good way, making me stronger, increasing my metabolism. Hoping it will help to lean me out a lot. I have a long way to go as I have been avoiding exercise because of a foot injury, wallowing in self-pity and sugar :( - But not anymore :angry: I am on the road to better health, getting great insight into how I got here and am on my way out.

This weekend might be a bit hazy as I will be doing a lot of traveling. I am making some homemade jerky to take with me - packing an avocado ( and a knife) an apple and maybe some carrot sticks. Most of the restaurants my colleagues hope to stop at have very little for me to eat - best to be prepared.

I am trying to get enough sleep - I tried going to sleep earlier - in a dark room - only to find myself laying awake most of the night and then ended sleeping late as well ( 11 hours) so I will set an alarm this weekend and make myself get up early even if I am still tired so tha perhaps I will be tired earlier and be able to sleep.

B - carrot souffle, coffee

L - 1/2 avocado and 1/2 can salmon

D - curried chicken? - not there yet so I am not sure but that is the plan

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Well its day 21 and I am a bit disappointed that I am not seeing any of my clothes feeling looser or anything like that :( I will just have to settle for not feeling as anxious or bloated. No stomach ache is a good thing ( although I was hoping for the loose clothes) and I choose to be happy for the little victories. It just means that 30 days may not be enough - good thing I was planning on going for 100 days. I was talking with a freind who told me she had done something similar and stayed off of grains, sugar and dairy for 18 months and how it made her feel so much better. She says she regrets ever letting sugar back in her life and is struggling to get rid of it again. (sugar is like that) She tells me that she is thinking of doing it again so I told her about whole 30 -- you never know, she might join me :) -- I am wondering if I could go for a whole 18 months. That would be a whole 540!! - one 30 at a time :P

Slept good - head about the sleep cycle monitor for your iphone so I downloaded it and tried it out for the first time last night. It might be a good thing to encourage me to get enough sleep. I need to keep it up for another 4 days to see what it says.

B - left over steak and peppers, water

L - chicken on green salad, banana

D - pork chops and carrots

so far so good - also eating co on the side and taking a multi, D3, and fish oil (omega 3) on the side

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