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Brand New and Starting on January 1st!


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Hello all!

i just learned about the whole30 program in depth today from my doctor and am excited to try it. I have asthma, year round allergies, diabetes and heart disease. I am excited to give my system a well deserved “reset”. I am excited to be here and look forward to interacting with you all and learning from you as well.  Hope to chat soon!

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Hi Sassy,  Everyone is different of course, but pre Whole30 I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, and from the way my doctor was telling me how important it was, I'm guessing I was right on the cusp of actually being diabetic.  My blood sugar is now completely normal as a result of my dietary changes - I finished my whole30 in July, and I continue to eat about 95% whole30, as I had other profound health benefits.  I hope you experience great results as well, welcome!

(Oh yeah, I think I'm going to do a formal whole30 starting Jan 1 as well)

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