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Back to Whole 30

Martha R.

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 I have done it once before as well, with great results. I started this one December 26, couldn't wait for January!. I was feeling just so lousy, I couldn't stand it any more, so once Christmas dinner was over I thought - that's it! Am feeling so much better after only 4 days. I also had dental surgery on the 28th so that has curtailed my eating to just fluids, like excellent blended chicken vegetable soup, with avocado. have you started yet? How are you doing? I know that the forum is a great way to get support. I also really like reading the success stories.

When I did my goals all of them are non scale victories, not so much worried about the weight, though there is plenty of extra! The battery on my scale died and I decided not to replace it or measure my inches. I'm going to go by how I feel and how my clothes fit.

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