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5 days in!


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I started the Whole30 on January 1st.  I did allergy testing in December, no allergies, but they recommended I try this to see if we can find a food sensitivity that may be causing migraines. Today I'm really wishing I was Oprah and had my own personal chef, life would sure be easier if my world was not revolving around meal planning and thinking about everything I eat!  The M&M machine in my office is quietly calling my name.  But I've got my big girl panties on and I will get through this:)

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Good food you, the first 10 days is the hardest for most and you are half way through it! 

Meal plan as much as you can on a day off. Read all the tips on the forums etc. We cook for the entire week on Sundays. It relieves the stress of meal planning during the work week and makes it much easier to successfully stay the course. You’ve got this! 

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