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Starting Feb 1. and bringing my 2 kids with me.VERY excited

Christine K

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Hello to you all

My name is Christine. I am about to turn 38 and I am the mother of 3 cool children.

I am significantly over weight, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome,joint and back pain and use to suffer from migraines until i quit smoking almost 1 yr ago. I still get them from time to time but nothing like i use to.

My 14 yr old daughter has A.D.D., anxiety and some back pain which i am told is partly due tot he fact that she has beautiful and perfect posture.

She also has some memory issue and recently told me how sometimes she gets a feeling like air is trapped in her throat and chest and sometimes when she belches, she can feel it in her lower back

She was on medication for her A.D.D. but within a yr of her being on it, i just didn't like how it made her feel and how it made it even more difficult to sleep.

She has shown signs of allergies to red food dye and bandage adhesive (as am i and my other child(.

My 8 yr old complains of belly aches a few times a week and every few months with have a few days of "hard" and "ouchie" BM's

She seems to get tired a little and has a hard time staying focused in school

I am very hopeful that this will help with some if not all of the issues they are having.

I am waiting until Feb 1 because with kids involved, i want to make sure i do this the right way and safely.

I have read that it can make you feel less focused and I do worry about how it will effect them in school.

I am taking the time between now and FEB 1 to read things through and prepare for this. I have a deep freezer and plan to stock it with meats and get some meal planning going.

Thanks for reading my very long post lol. I will post again as it gets closer

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Welcome, there is no doubt that planning is the key. I envy you starting with the kids. My daughter is 27, way beyond my nutritional influence and she, too, has PCOS. I know this way of eating would really help her but she's such a carbaholic she just doesn't want to listen.

If you're not starting until Feb, I personally think it might make it a bit easier, especially on the kids if you start a gentle transtion towards it. I think a lot of the 'brain fog' and unfocussed feeling that some people get is caused by the sudden change in diet, especially if it's been really carb rich. whereas you've got a whole month to gradually introduce new foods and wean them off things they won't be eating on the W30. Obviously that's just my own idea but good luck however you decide to do it, don't be afraid to ask questions here, there's lots of parents in the forum and keep us posted with how it goes.

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