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Starting 1/1 ...nervous


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I'm starting my very first W30 in 2 days. And I am nervous as you can get!!

I got the book a few months ago and have gone through it twice.

I was definitely not ready for such a huge change when I first heard of it, but I have been setting (and meeting) mini goals along the way....so I'm hoping this is a little preview of how I'll do on the program.

I go to bed earlier now

I go to the gym regularly (3 visits is a slow week)

and I QUIT SMOKING almost a month ago

All of which is super great, but I still haven't touched the one thing that is like 80% of the problem.The Whole30 program looks like it could be a major asset in my health journey.....but now that the holidays are over and I've checked off everything on my pre-W30 list, I'm scared.

I have never committed to a change in the way I eat before. In. My. Life.

But then again my body has never felt the need for change SO badly.

Anyway I was just hoping I could get some tips or support or anything at all that you wish you'd known when you started your first whole 30 (that isn't in the book or any of the pdfs online lol, I have all those).

I hope I get to know some of you on this journey, strength in numbers and such :)

Thank you for letting me babble

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The one thing, I wish I'd known is that it's easier than you think. The key is definitely planning. Have meals ready in fridge or freezer, or have ideas for things you can literally throw together because there will be times when you're tired, grumpy, don't feel like cooking or even having to think about it. These are the times it's easiest to cave, whereas if you know there's something compliant you can have without even thinking, then it's so much easier to stay on track. Remind yourself it's only 30 days, what's that in the grand scheme of things? Though, be warned, lots of us end up deciding it's so good we never want to go back to our old way of eating :)

And, if you haven't already done so, sihn up for the daily emails. They contain a wealth of information and are a fantastic motivator. good luck with your journey

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