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Whole30 First Timer - start date Feb 5


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Hey y'all,

I'm starting my first round of Whole30, tomorrow, Monday, Feb 5th! I am both excited and nervous.

I actually first heard about Whole30 on Snapchat. I was curious and wanted to learn more. After some researching, I was hooked. I've done a 30 day clean eating challenge in the past, but Whole30 takes it a step further... I've always allotted myself dairy and whole grains, such as brown rice, so going 30 days dairy, gluten, sugar...free will be interesting. (Plus I'm a Wisconsin girl and dairy is basically my life ;) )

I'm excited to see how my relationship with food will change. I have a hard time fighting craving, which is why I wanted to challenge myself with this. Not only the craving, but being able to control how much I'm consuming.

While I'm nervous about making it through the 30 days, the biggest test for me will be after the 30 days. And while accountability from others is helpful, I want to take the next 30 days (and beyond) to learn how to hold myself accountable!

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