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Katie's Whole 60


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I am doing a 4th round of Whole 60 (started on April 11, today is Day 8) :wub:

I am currently breastfeeding my 4 month old son, I do 4 smaller meals per day instead of 3 big meals to keep my energy up & milk supply in tip-top shape. So far I'm feeling great. Experienced a bit of moodiness early last week but I feel I have hit my groove and things are smoother now. I am doing this for me, but also for my son who seems to be sensitive to a lot of things that I eat. My husband and I want to introduce him to the healthiest foods as well, when he start eating solids in a couple months.

Today's meals look something like this...

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado & homemade hash browns  w/ ghee 

Brunch: chomps stick, raw almonds, 1/4 cup of chili from last night

Lunch: tuna salad, 1/2 avocado, lettuce, carrots, & some olives 

Dinner: Italian sausage (homemade), with onions & bell peppers w/ ghee, 1/2 sweet potato 

Note: This is my first round of Whole 30 postpartum so it's a learning experience for me. I am excited to see how this plays out :)


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