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Bring it on! First Whole30

Megan Hall

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Like many others here, this was Day 1 for me. I have been grain free for a few months, attempting to be completely dairy free-- but it is time to stop attempting and go for it! I already love reading this forum for all kinds of food ideas, so I'm excited to continue and use everyone else's posts to keep me motivated! I really see this as another step on my path to the healthiest lifestyle for me, so I already know I'll be back after I finish this Whole30 : ]

Nice to "meet" you all!

And for accountability, today's food consisted of:

- (Not Tortilla) Chicken Soup (from Paleo Slow Cooking cookbook)

- 2 hard boiled eggs; 1 clementine

- Darjeeling tea

- Chicken thighs marinated in tandoori spices and coconut milk & roasted butternut squash

It's about the time of the week where I really need to buy some more fresh (green!!) veggies!

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Today: 1 hard-boiled egg; coconut/tandoori marinated chicken and roasted butternut squash; some pistachios; veggies sauteed in olive oil (broccoli, carrots, watercress, sugar snap peas) and another hard-boiled egg; one clementine.

Andddd... today I realized my balsamic vinegar that I thought was clean apparently DOES have sulfites in it. Time to buy new vinegar!

Also, I had 2 Altoids. And then promptly realized that was non-compliant and removed them from my purse. Guess I'll have to start bringing a toothbrush to work?

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I am feeling good and super motivated. I still want something sweet-ish after dinner, while I'm up studying for work. I had another clementine tonight, and feel like that is probably not Whole30 compliant because of the "dessert-like" quality! Maybe I need more fat and protein during meals?

Today: hard-boiled egg, coconut chicken with roasted butternut squash (with coconut oil), a burger at dinner (just salsa to top it) and sauteed mixed veggies (with olive oil), a clementine and chamomile tea.

I want some avocado!

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Haven't posted but also have stayed compliant! Last night was tough, we were at a friend's house and everyone was drinking my favorite wine and snacking. All I wanted was something to snack on, know that feeling? I grabbed a handful of toasted almonds, drank water like it was my job, and pushed through it. The last couple days of eating have been rather similar to the first two, except that dinner last night I had a salad from Q-Doba (just topped with chicken and hot salsa-- I don't want to consider what terrible things it may have been contaminated with though!). I am not very concerned about having to deal with that again in the future though... we eat out less than once every two months.

I am excited to get some food prep done today.. will FINALLY get time to go grocery shopping this afternoon and in between studying (exams I have to take for work) I plan on prepping some veggies for the rest of the week, breakfasts (hardboiled eggs or egg "muffins"), and trying my hand at homemade mayo.

Love reading everyone's posts about food prep.. it is so nice to get ideas to switch things up!

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