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Janelle's whole 30-1/1/13


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I hate nuts! Actually that's not true...I love them. I love them to the point of overcomsumption and then the result is tummy trouble. The nuts I roasted last night with coconut oil, garlic powder, little sprinkle of salt and chili powder were delicious! So delicious I WAY too many. I knew I would pay for it today. And I did but then.....the worst part.....I did it again this afternoon until I threw them in the garbage. I didn't want to but I know I can not have them in the house. I will snack if I do and there is no stopping once I start. So lesson learned...I hope! No. More. Nuts.

No yoga today, but I did go for a walk. Hoping to make a yoga class tomorrow.

Meal 1: meat muffins, sautéed spinach, 1/2 grapefruit, kraut, coffee with coconut whipped cream

Meal 2: applegate sausage, collard greens, 1/2 avocado, kale chips

Then the nuts happened. And more nuts and then more nuts....darn it!

Meal 3: steak, sweet potato, green beans or broccoli, decaf coffee with coconut whipped cream

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Day 21 eats....

Meal 1: 2 scrambled eggs with hot sauce, collard greens, blueberries and grapefruit, coffee with coconut whipped cream

Meal 2: salmon cakes (yummy!), cucumber, baby carrots

Meal 3: the best chicken you'll ever eat (Well Fed), leftover green beans, broccoli and cauliflower, olives

Decaf peppermint green tea and I ate 2-3 kale chips after baking them.

I did quite a bit of cleaning out of dressers and closets today. we will be moving near the end of March and my goal is to start clearing stuff out each weekend. I made it to hot yoga this afternoon. It felt really good and I pushed myself a bit more than normal.

Exciting news....my family, who I forced to go Paleo in August, (my daughter rebelled the whole time and would buy non Paleo foods in cafeteria, slowly they all started eating worse and worse, and then the holidays hit) informed me today they would like to go back to eating Paleo with the occasional bread, pasta and treats. All I could do was smile :). I'll take that for now!

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Day 22 eats.....

Meal 1: 2 eggs scrambled, sautéed spinach, little bit of blueberries, strawberries and grapefruit, coffee with coconut whipped cream

Meal 2: sautéed kale, leftover steak from Sunday, an avocado

PreWO: hard boiled egg, bit of noGrainola....huge mistake

PostWO: chicken tender, more noGrainola....ughhhhh

Meal 3: bison burger, sweet potato pancake, sautéed collard greens, couple garlic olives, kombucha

Where to begin....I woke up feeling great...tired but in a good mood. When I got up, my tummy looked a bit bloated and realized it is close to the dreaded time of month. Fun. Everything went fine until this afternoon when my 12 year old daughter, who asked me yesterday if she could start eating Paleo, called to ask me if she could eat a bagel my mom brought over. So I simply told her she needed to decide, that she is in charge of her food choices but to remember all of the things we have talked about. She asked if she could make a fruit smoothie instead and I told her that would be fine. But...once I got home about a half hour later, I was greeted by my daughter asking if she could have a bagel now. She had the smoothie but that was a drink and she wanted food. So we had a discussion about that. And I realized at dinner....they don't want to do Paleo when the asked for buns for their grass fed burgers. This isn't a battle I am going to win. Three to one. Not good.

After the bagel talk, I changed and decided I should eat something before working out. I opted for a hard boiled egg and a bit of noGrainola. But you see, the bit of noGrainola got a bit out of control before and after the workout. I thought I could handle just a couple pieces since I ate about 5 yesterday morning and was fine. That was not the case today. SoI have to get rid of the three other bags and what is left of the one I opened. (I ordered it in the beginning before I became really aware of my food choices and habits but forgot about it since it took two weeks+ for delivery.)

This is the second time in the last couple days I have done something like this. The sad thing is I totally know why....PMS. The same darn thing happens every month and honestly it is a little ridiculous. How does this happen every single dingle month?

OH.......and as I was rereading this, I just realized its also stress. We are in the process of short selling our house....not by choice...and the contractor for the buyer is coming over to look around tomorrow. It makes me sad that we are moving and nervous because I have a whole house to pack up and downsize. Even better, we are moving in with my mother in law for the time being. We are fortunate that she can let us move in but it is also going to be strange....really strange.

In doing the Whole30, I have realized that it is much more than making it 30 days of eating healthy foods and then working to reintroduce. I am eating healthier than I have ever eaten and I feel so good. My stomach issues I had before are gone (except for when I overindulge on nuts.....grrr). My night sweats have gone away.....hooray! But there are definitely some things I need to work on still which is why I already have decided that this needs to be more than 30 days.

Wow! After typing all that and feeling embarrassed that I caved, it actually made me better. So time to learn from my mistakes and move forward.

Anyone want some noGainola????:P

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Day 23eats...

Meal 1: leftover bison burger with sautéed spinach, little bit of blueberries, strawberries, and grapefruit, decaf peppermint green tea

Meal 2: leftover The Best Chicken You'll Ever Eat, carrots and cucumbers, a whole avocado

Meal 3: 1/2 sweet potato pancake, leftover bison burger, 1/4 banana

Meal 4: paleo minestrone soup, 5 large garlic olives, kombucha, decaf coffee with coconut milk

I woke up feeling crappy and am pretty sure it was the darn noGrainola. I would have been fine if I didn't eat so darn much. My tummy gave me trouble today as a result. That wasn't fun and something I definitely don't miss from preWhole30. I also only have been getting 5 1/2 hours sleep (maybe six) during the work week. That is definitely something I need to improve on.

No nuts or noGrainola were consumed today. I ended up hungry between lunch and dinner so I let myself have a mini meal. I could feel my sugar dragon trying to make an appearance and am glad I was able to make a healthier choice than giving in. I thought about it but fortunately I was driving home and talked myself into doing the bison burger and sweet potato instead!

On a happy note, my paleo pal at work loved the noGrainola I took her this morning and gladly accepted the offer of another bag. She did come to me later and mentioned we might need a third party to hold onto the bag because she found it addicting as well. Our non-paleo coworker tasted it and made a face. It wasn't sweet enough. We both commented on how much our palates have changed since finding a healthier way of eating.

Hoping to get to bed at a decent hour and wake up with no tummy troubles!

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Oops....day 23 more eats....

Something is wrong with me! I have been soooo hungry the last two days. It is so frustrating. I have been eating the same meals which i find yummy but i just feel so hungry....particularly in the afternoon. Here is what happened after Meal 4...

Handful of green grapes, handful of pistachios (so much for not nuts), spoon of nut butter

Good grief! What the hell? If anyone has suggestions, I'm dying for advice or words of wisdom. Please!!!!

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Day 24 eats....

Meal 1: 2 scrambled eggs, sautéed spinach, little bit of berries and grapefruit, coffee with coconut whipped cream

Meal 2: tuna salad with homemade mayo, dill, celery, bell pepper, cucumber slices, celery with a little nut butter

PreWO: hard boiled egg, 5 big garlic Ives, 15 pieces of noGrainola (I counted my pieces out and then threw the bag up in the highest cabinet.)

PostWO: nothing.......

Meal 3: (was too long after workout..maybe 45 minutes) carnitas, sweet potato, avocado and salsa (so good together), kombucha

I'm going to make a cup of decaf with coconut whipped cream, clean kitchen, stay way from nuts and noGrainola, and get to bed no later than 10:30.

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Good try but no cigar.....

So, after doing the afternoon feast thing the last couple days.....I have decided to tell myself good try but time to start over. I was doing so good up until the cashew incident. So while I have continued to blog my daily eats, I don't think I can count them as a success due to eating way too many nuts and the noGrainola.....ummmmm.....yah.....that happened again today and was the final straw. I can't continue to eat healthy all day but pig out in the afternoon on nuts and granola. That's not a healthy habit. This experience was for me to work on healing my tummy and making healthier choices with food. So I am tweaking my daily eats and hoping that round 2 goes a bit better.

Start date #2....Sunday, January 27

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Day 28.....

So after posting in the off track section and getting some feedback, I decided not to start over but will be continuing after January 30 because I feel SO DARN GOOD and I need to keep it going this time.

During the last week I binged on nuts, noGrainola, and sun butter. While it was all compliant foods I was eating, I quickly realized they are no brakes foods for me and can not be kept in the house. My stomach was bloated, I was cranky, and my tummy troubles returned. I was feeling pretty down on myself. I think it my sugar dragon's last attempt at trying to throw me off track.

I took a break from posting during those days and it actually has done me some good. I have stayed complaint with no more nuts, granola, or nut butters. I have thrown out or given away what was left of my stash and am back to feeling good :).

So while my Whole30 hasn't been as perfect as I dreamed it would be, I have made some improvements that I can not believe! I am eating breakfast within an hour of waking up and am actually looking forward to it. I make sure I sit down even if it is only for 10 minutes and enjoy my meal before rushing the family out the door for school. I eat greens all the time! This is CRAZY! And even better I actually love them. I am preparing almost all of my meals at home and make sure to prepack my lunch the night before. I don't have any crazy sugar cravings like pre Whole30 and I wouldn't dream of eating any of the processed sugary foods in my house my family is choosing to eat. They don't even tempt me today. The biggest change is my tummy troubles.....I can leave the house without running to the bathroom 4-5 times in an hour or so. Or having to ask the teacher next door to watch my class...again for the second or third time that morning....embarrassing!

I ate healthy foods and went for a jog this afternoon. Happy Monday!

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I am happy to report I made it the whole 30 days and have kept eating pretty healthy except for a few indulgences with dark chocolate. This has helped reawaken my sleeping sugar dragon and I have realized that it is too soon to try and reintroduce items like dark chocolate. I am also kind of bummed because my tummy is still bloated most days. I'm tired of looking like I am three months Pregnant at the end of the day!

So here's the plan....pretty simple actually....stay with Whole30. I feel so much better when I do. Starting tomorrow, I am also going to cut out nuts and coffee. I have also started eating a bit more fruit (today had a banana with breakfast and an apple with lunch which is a lot since starting whole 30), so I want to go back to a minimal amount if any each day.

I am unbelievable stressed out right now and will be for the next month if not longer. Work has been stressful and we are moving in with my mother in law in the next two weeks. I need to be packing up our house but I am so overwhelmed I don't even know where to begin. So I sit and eat chocolate instead :). So in addition to food goals I am setting goals regarding the move and also working out as that is my stress relief (me time) most days.

So tomorrow's goals....

Get back on track for Whole 30 and cut out coffee and nuts

Clean out/pack up cookbook cabinet and cabinets above sink in kitchen (I don't use any of the cookbooks anymore so should be easy!)

Do HIIT workout when I get home and/or jog 2 miles (running my first 5k this weekend!)

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