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What I ate on day 1!


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Today was fairly eye opening for me. Even considering I have been paleo for 1 1/2 years and considering I had spent all day today double checking everything in my cupboards and writing a shopping list! I was fairly careless throwing my spices into my dinner. Fortunately the garlic powder and paprika powder didn't have anything but garlic and paprika in it! Which I had to research the split second after I tossed it in! For both of them the ingredients weren't listed on the label, but were online.

I did end up throwing out some cumin and coriander powder by the same spice company which had "ingredients include wheat" on the package.

I am making a pork roast tomorrow night, and I just used the same spices because I couldn't be bothered researching new ones... None of the spices have the ingredients on them!

So the lesson for today is that I have become very routine with my paleo eating, and had stopped checking my labels... Possibly consuming very not paleo things a long the way. Very naughty.

And I got so wrapped up in my research today (I was enjoying myself!) that I looked up and saw it was 2pm! And I hadn't had lunch! I had eggs and zucchini sauteed in coconut oil for breakfast, and had intended to head to the super market for our staples for the next few days after I had breakfast, but got distracted. So instead of rushing through the supermarket hungry I decided to have more eggs: this time fried eggs (in coconut oil again) on a bed of rocket (I think it's called arugula in America).

For dinner I made sauteed onions and bell peppers (red, green, and yellow) in duck fat; coleslaw (cabbage, cucumber, mango, apple cider vinegar, lime, olive oil); steak slices with chimmichuri sauce; and guacamole. We have family in town, and so I tried to make something that everyone would like but that conformed to the Whole 30. We had watermelon for dessert, which I know we aren't supposed to have dessert, but I could really give a hoot about sugar or fruit, so I only had a few bites and moved on. That was more for them, because Kiwis tend to always have dessert, and that is very true for them.

Bring on day 2!

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