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Newbie here... first day 1/2/13.


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Today is my first day of Whole30. Well, technically. I was meaning to start yesterday until I had a keurig "Cafe Vanilla" for breakfast - woah. That was an eye opener. So, I failed on day 1. But today is a new day 1 and I'm doing okay so far.

I'm terrified to do this challenge. I'm terrified because I've failed at so many "challenges" before.. why would this one be any different? I'm a sugar addict. And I don't stop at one nibble... I eat two or three or four cookies, or whatever it may be. I'm sick and tired of failing. I know I'm really going to struggle these next 30 days... but I'll be posting on here often. Sorry if I become a broken record of whining..

I've been crossfitting for about 2 years now.. toyed on and off with paleo here and there. I love to cook... I love to "SAMPLE" while I bake. Ughhh!

Most importantly, I'm looking forward to gaining CONTROL over my eating.

Thanks for listening to the rants of a day 1 newbie! :)

~Shannon (Boise, Idaho)

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Hi there! Today is my first day too! We can use each other as accountability! Cheer each other on if you will! I had my first cup of black coffee today and boy was that an eye opener! YUCK! and it set me up for a fowl mood during my morning workout. Might try to add in some cinnamon for flavor tomorrow or I might just have to give it up for this 30 day challenge!

Good Luck! You're going to be great! Don't give up! Baby steps! We can help each other! :)

Cheers... nichol

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I did a Whole25 before the holidays and I'm back for my second round! I am also a coffee addict, but I was shocked how my tastebuds changed and I actually like black coffee! Maybe in a few days you will experience this surprise?!?! Cheering for you both!

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Thanks Nichol... it's definitely eye opening when you realize how much sugar there is in just about everything. I have heard a lot of people do cinnamon in their espresso drinks, etc. So give that a whirl - it definitely sounds like it works for lots of people! Is this lifestyle change new to you? Or have you been on the fence with paleo for a while?

I am one of THOSE people who "reward" themself with FOOD. I got my kipping pullup at CF, felt GREAT and said "I deserve a treat!" I tried to convince myself that pizza was a great reward for reaching a goal... BUT then I realized what I was doing, and said I have to stop rewarding myself with food. It truly is something I have done forever... I have a good day or a good week, so I indulge. Well, indulging will not get me to my goals, that's for sure. This is DEFINITELY a HUGE process to get my head wrapped around what needs to be done... but I am starting to realize what I am doing BEFORE I do it, so that's good!! :) Baby steps, like you said! :)

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Luckily for me, I actually am not a fan of coffee - espresso, yes... coffee, no. So, for now I'm just drinking green tea and loads of it (no stevia to sweeten it this time around!) :) But I imagine our taste buds will most certainly change... how could they not?? After dousing them with sweeteners out the gazoo the past month...! :) Cheers to you as well for round 2!!! :)

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