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New here, starting on 9/11


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One week. I'm excited, a little overwhelmed, but I know I can do this. I'm 30 years old. I've got a boyfriend who seems to subsist entirely on pizza and cookies who I've been trying not to let be a bad influence on me but I'm finding myself failing more than I was a few months ago. I'm not blaming him, what I put in my body is my choice, but I have a BAD problem with sugar cravings. It feels like a straight up addiction. I know I can beat it and stop the cravings if I avoid sugar but one slip up, one cookie, one piece of cake, one donut, and it all comes toppling down and I'm getting candy from the vending machine the next day or stopping on the way home for muffins... and the next day... and the next day... eating sugar when I'm by myself so no one finds out...

I used to be 50 pounds heavier. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic about 3 and a half years ago and told to stick to a low glycemic diet. I did okay for awhile. I've been through a lot of life changes since then. I'll be eating healthy, losing weight for awhile, then something comes up and then I'm back to old habits again. It's hard to remember a time when I wasn't either dieting or feeling guilty for not dieting. I don't want my feelings towards food to control my life. I don't want it to be something I have to think about. I want to give my body what it needs to live, nothing more, nothing less.

So yeah... I'm gonna give this Whole 30 thing a shot. I like experimenting. I want to see how different things are affecting my body. I want to beat the cravings. I want stable blood sugar. I want to remind myself how much better it feels when I'm not putting crap into my body.

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I decided to move up my start date to 9/7. I was going to wait until next week, but after cleaning out my kitchen and reading through some of the recipes from the book, I got excited and planned my meals for this week and I'm starting Whole30 this Friday!

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