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Protein Powder Reintroduction


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Hi Everyone! 

Hoping to get some guidance on this (please and thank you!!). Before Whole30, I used to drink a protein shake before and after my workout. I tend do lifting exercises and interval training from 6-8AM, then go to work (9-6 job). Currently on R1D21, and I am hesitant on letting protein powder back into my body.  In early December, I did a bulk order (regrets) and bought 4 big jugs of protein and some vegan supplements too. Now doing Whole30, I am realizing and learning (lots) about food intake. I realized the supplements I used to take have whey and added sugar in them. that may not be great for my body and digestive system. I just feel bad throwing them all in the garbage (~$200+ worth of supplements). Please let me know your thoughts on this! 


https://1upnutrition.com/products/iso-protein?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgJ6CmLWk5wIVHoVaBR1yUwCIEAQYAyABEgLiOPD_BwE - strawberry/chocolate/vanilla

https://1upnutrition.com/collections/protein-powders/products/1up-protein - coconut ice cream

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