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Rachel's first Whole30


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Day 21

B: 1/2 avocado, mackerel

L: Minced beef, cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli

D: Tuna salad

3 weeks down!! Starting to feel proud of myself now. I think not relying on the scale to tell me how healthy my body is is doing wonders for my self esteem. There's no way I'm stepping back on that thing for at least another 2 months: I can feel and see my body composition changing slightly for the better. It's not a MASSIVE change, but it's definitely a change. And today I had a really good, strong work out. And now I feel really really happy! Yay endorphins.

Overall, looking up. I do have a cocktails evening to contend with tomorrow, but I'm going to stick resolutely to my sparkling water- there's no way I'm letting this slip me up. :)

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Day 22

Ate the same stuff as day 21. I made it through cocktails with friends without a slip, but did end up going to bed later, which means I'm a bit tired today

Day 23

B: Mackerel, avocado

L: Chicken stir fry

D: Salmon and salad

Like I said, tired today but I know it's because I didn't sleep as much last night. Apart from that, feeling and fine and ready to tackle the final week!! (although actually I'm going to extend my whole30 but I'm taking it one step at a time) :)

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Day 24

B: Mackerel, tomatoes, coconut oil in green tea

L: Chicken stir fry

D: Salmon and veg

Made some ghee today. Yay me!!

Experiencing some minor cravings- but then I think it's just stress and boredom. Trying my very hardest to recognise that, and it seems to be working so far :)

I slept A LOT last night, and woke up feeling much better than yesterday- I am learning to just let myself sleep if I need to, and not to force myself up just because I want to be "productive"

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Day 25

B: Mackerel, 1/2 avocado, a few cherry tomatoes

L: Chicken stir fry

D: liver, onions, tomatoes and spinach

Dinner was awesome today!! I've cooked liver before but it's never come out so well or tasted quite as good. Definitely ate more of it than I needed to but I don't even care because it tasted so good :P

Just 5 days to go. Then I am going to set some new goals and carry on!!

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Day 26

B: Mackerel, 1/2 avocado, tea with some ghee

L: Beef stew

D: Liver, onions, tomatoes and spinach

Had a few "cravings" today- but to be honest it's just me being bored and wanting something to do ie eat. So glad I recognise that now.

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Day 27

B: Mackerel, 1/2 avocado

L: Steak and veg with mushroom sauce

D: Beef mince and veg

Had THE BEST steak at a restaurant at lunchtime. It came with lovely turnip and sweet potato bits that had been roasted. Really good!!

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Day 29

B: Mackerel, avocado

L: minced beef and veg

D: tuna salad

Day 30 (!!!!)

B: Mackerel, avocado

L: Tuna Salad

D: Beef stew

aaaaand I'm done!! Can't believe it. However, I'm not stopping here- I'm going to complete another 23 days of whole30-ness. Then I'll submit results and stuff :) However I might not track as much as I have. I'm going to be paying for attention to eating when I'm hungry, rather than when I feel like I should have a meal.

Also today I had an apple for a snack (first time I've eaten fruit for the entire 30) and made me feel a little crave-y, which isn't good. So I think it'll be good to go a bit longer just to make sure that sugar dragon is well and truly cowering in its cave!!

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On Day 31 I stayed compliant. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere with my body composition- definitely lost a bit of weight.

However I have decided to stay off the scale at least for a another couple of months. I really hate the way that it can affect how confident you feel if you have lost less than you expected or whatever. I think I am making progress, so that will be enough for me.

I'm probably drinking a little bit too much coffee for my liking but it's mid-term at uni and I don't want to deny myself little things like 2 cups of coffee instead of one at this stage. Besides I've never really been reliant on the stuff- I just like the taste :)

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So day 32 went fine. I am finding it a little trickier to stay on track without knowing that this is "officially" a whole30. But it's good practice, and definitely do-able.

Again I'm noticing that my motivation falters when I get frustrated about how I look and compare myself to others (bad, bad habit). I am trying to wear nicer clothes on a day to day basis to remind myself that I'm OK really! Plus reminding myself that the only way forward is to carry on doing what I'm doing, and that my health's at stake as well.

Day 33 is going to busy, and I always find it easier to eat paleo when I'm busy as I just don't have time to sit around thinking about/eating junk!

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Day 34

Another busy day, which involved me standing outside in the freezing cold for three hours. The old me would probably go home and binge on cookies and rubbish as a "reward". Instead I had a (admittedly large) pile of minced beef and veg. And it tasted goood!!

I'm having minor cravings for a nice glass of wine but I know it's just because I haven't really let myself go food-wise for a relatively long amount of time. Definitely going to push on- I've waited this long, I can wait another 19 days for a bit of alcohol!

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Day 37

Still going strong. Still overeating on this protein side of things (usually getting on for 2 palms of meat if not more for at least one of my meals), but I'll sort that out after the 53 days are over I think. Just concentrating on staying on the straight and narrow.

Yesterday was stressful and I ended up eating a few olives and quite a bit of coconut oil as a snack in the afternoon, just to stop me from raiding the vending machine that's near my room in university halls :P One of the only times I've felt the need to snack so far though, so I'm not too bothered.

This is the longest I have gone without bingeing for about 2.5 years I think. And when I say bingeing, I mean full-on, eat until I'm lying in agony on my bed but still looking at the half finished cake on my table and wondering when I could squeeze a bit more in, kind of binge. Pre-whole30 this was happening almost on a weekly basis. I'd say that's progress!!

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Day 40:

B: Mackerel, tomatoes, cup of green tea with coconut oil

L: Minced beef and veg "curry"

D: Tuna salad

Can't believe I've made it to day 40. It's funny because if I'm honest with myself I came into this for weight loss mainly; yet I feel like the best things that have come out of it have been my increased productivity in my working life, and an increase in fitness.

I'm going to finally weigh in/take measurements on the morning of day 54 (ie the day I will be breaking with the plan), just because I feel like I should track stats in some way so that I can fiddle with my diet more effectively in the future. Hoping to be below 70kg but I must, must, must try not to get hung up on the scale. I don't know what weight I started at but it must have been above 70kg, guessing anything between 71 and 75.

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Day 45

Still going strong. Virtually no cravings for the past couple of days- this is fairly impressive considering I spend most mornings working in a cafeteria area that smells of pastries, and has 3 vending machines :P

Definitely seeing some body composition changes when I think back to 45 days ago. I'm interested to see how much I have lost, but I'm definitely putting the scale away again for another 2 months after I've weighed in- I feel so much better without it.

I've been really enjoying avocado in my breakfasts and salads over the past week.

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I just read your whole log. Very inspiring - I'm a binger too. Thank you for sharing! I'm on Day 3, and seeing someone's progress throughout the whole (Whole :)) thing is a big help. I'm excited to see what changes are in store. Keep posting!

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Thanks so much for the response KelBelle, and taking the time to read. I'll definitely keep an eye on your log!

It definitely gets easier with time- you just have to remind yourself how awful you feel after a binge, and remove yourself from "danger" when cravings hit. It is horribly hard though at first. I have "started over" with healthy eating countless times, each time having "one last binge"- really saps your willpower, but you just got to keep going, keep getting back up and trying again!!

Day 48

Will probably be eating just two meals today- liver and onions and tomatoes (yum!!) and some kind of huge lamb curry/stir fry.

Yesterday I tried on a dress that I definitely wouldn't have fit into 2 months ago- and it fits!! It could look better with a little more loss on my back (I think my back tends to be slightly wide anyway when I'm rowing, building a bit of muscle), but I'm going to be wearing it to the dinner on saturday (when I will be breaking my "whole53").

Really quite nervous about saturday- I'm a little terrified that the alcohol will set off a binge (I used to eat chocolate bars, crisps and all sorts of bad stuff after I'd been drinking). I'm going to get in lots of paleo yummy stuff to eat on sunday morning to stop me from just consuming bad stuff the morning after- getting back on track is always the most difficult bit. Anyway I am still looking forward to having a well-earned glass of wine!

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