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Jenna's Whole30 - starting 1/5/13


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I haven't logged this before because I didn't really feel I needed too. Since my restart on the 5th, I'm feeling pretty good about the eating portion. I feel like things are under control. My office has been bringing in sweets galore, and I'm slowly starving my sugar dragon day by day.

My boss just told me that I look like I'm losing weight, which is my first awesome compliment! :)

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I just had a cooking-palooza! Ketchup, BBQ sauce, SPICY mustard, prepping lunch for tomorrow, and chicken fritters!

My house is undergoing a HUGE renovation. When I bought it in August, it wasn't even livable. I moved in on October 1st, and I haven't had a kitchen the entire time. My kitchen consists of a crockpot, microwave, an electric skillet, and a full size microwave. Since many of my belongings are in storage, I don't any of my kitchen implements, and I'm making due with lots of tupperware and a cheap spatula/tongs I've picked up.

Needless to say, Whole30 has been a real challenge, both on my wallet and my ability to cook. Don't get my wrong, I love to cook and bake! I just don't have the things I need to make that happen. Today, I made up something that I'd call "chicken fritters"!


1lb of ground chicken

1 egg

1/4 C almond meal

salt and pepper

1/2-3/4 C diced/grated carrots

2 T "21 Seasoning Salute" from TJ's

Mix everything together, and make small meatballs (~1 T each). Flatten them, and if desired, lightly batter with almond meal.

In a hot skillet with some cooking fat, add the fritters and cook over medium-low heat for 7-8 minutes on each side. If you are blessed to have an oven :), you could cook for just a few minutes on each side, and then brown them up in the over for 10-15 minutes. The carrots are super tasty in these, but I think you could experiment with other veggies.


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