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Whole 30 #3 begins today!


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I was going to start Monday but Non Cross Fit Foodie suggested today so I thought why not? I have had a great first day so far as 2 of my 3 children (triplets) are not here so I have had lots of time to prep! Here's what I got accomplished in the kitchen:

sunshine sauce

homemade mayo

creamy Italian dressing

prepped veggies - peppers, onions, bok choy

made curry for dinner which is simmering on stove

cleaned out fridge

cleaned out pantry

Gosh - seems like I did more but all and all a good time. Also, made grocery list for rest of week - plan to make a few recipes from Well Fed.

Breakfast - coffee with coconut milk, 2 prosciutto wrapped mini frittatas (stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, and spaghetti squash

Lunch - sauteed spaghetti squash and chicken in ghee

snack - a handful of baby carrots dipped in dressing I made

Dinner will be: fried cauliflower rice with Thai Curry, bok choy, carrots and peppers dipped in sunshine sauce

I have been drinking lots of sparkling water as well. My goal for #3 is to not cheat and weigh! I have lost 25 pounds in the last year through Paleo and 2 Whole 30's. I am pretty happy where I am but 5 or 10 more pounds would be great! May have to get husband to hide scale so I don't know where it is! So far so good today! Will replace my red wine tonight with a nice mug of steaming CALM! Love that stuff!

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OK - finished with Day 2 and am sitting in bed drinking my CALM watching The Bachelor (how pathetic is that?) Here's my day:

Breakfast - 2 mini frittatas, coffee with coconut cream

Lunch - leftover dinner from last night bok choy, cauliflower rice, Thai chicken curry

Dinner - gosh I thought last night dinner was good until I had dinner tonight! I slow cooked a big piece of pork and made the simple Kalua Pig from Nom Nom Paleo. Served it with guacamole mixed with homemade mayo, lettuce, salsa served on a Coconut Wrap (recipe from Julia's Paleo Pantry)

Had 1/2 pink grapefruit as well and drank lots of water today!

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Day 4

Wicked storms today - spent much of the day in the school with kids in hallway due to tornadoes! All is clear now - whew! Still ate good although would have loved a glass of wine after bathing and putting one child to bed.

Breakfast - same - 2 mini frittatas - about ready for something new for breakfast

lunch - amazing salad with grilled chicken, olives, eggs, avocado

dinner - husband made Bora Bora meatballs from Well Fed! Served with Sunshine sauce, roasted broccoli with bacon and cauliflower rice. Incredible dinner!

Had tons of LaCroix and will cap the night off iwth my mug of CALM!

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Day 6

Oops didn't post yesterday

Breakfast - same

Lunch - leftover chicken leg, collards, kombucha squash


Dinner - sweet potato with ghee with leftover bora bora meatballs and sunshine sauce

Slept like the dead last night - 10 hours! Amazing what whole 30 does for sleep! Off to SAMs this am (my husband just joined) to see if I can find some organic things!

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Well guess what u can get at SAMs? Not a whole lot! I did get great organic baby kale, Swiss chard and spinach mix though and another set of glass containers (switching over from my plastic).

Brunch - kale mix salad with bacon, leftover chicken, sundried tomatoes, pine nuts, and avocado with lemon/olive oil dressing. Absolutely amazing!

Snack - Lara bar

Dinner - also amazing - kelp noodle stir fry from nom nom paleo

Pineapple spears

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