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Casey's Whole 100

Casey McNamara

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I've been active in Crossfit for over 3 years, in great shape, and have historically maintained a good diet.

In 2011 through mid-2012 I generally maintained a strict(ish) Whole9 diet - I've been down this road before.

Then in June 2012, I moved from laid-back Louisiana to fast-paced Chicago. Two things changed: 1) I started a >1 hr commute, 2) I found an awesome girlfriend, who happens to love things non-paleo.

In any event, I've found myself getting progressively worse, both in terms of gym-time and quality of food that I eat. I'm using this as a self-commitment to get myself back on track.

So things I am focusing on cutting out (all of which have crept into my back diet):

1) All things dairy

2) Nuts (I eat too many)

3) Pizza, cheese.

4) Beer.

Also, I want to seriously cut back on my fruit intake.

I'll post daily. I am going to keep this log up until 2/5/2013 through mid-May

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Plan for 2/4 (evening) and 2/5 (day)



Small Piece of grilled chicken and carrots


Breakfast: 3 egg omelette + mushrooms and spinach

Lunch: grilled chicken on a bed of spinach

Snack: grilled chicken

Dinner: Wild Alaskan Cod (frozen) + steamed broccoli

Need to stop at the grocery store for following days plans...

Slow-cook roast for following day.

More broccoli




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Looks like you are off to a successful start. From looking around, there aren't too many guys on here, so I was glad to see at least one! I'd like to join a crossfit gym soon. I am doing rehab on my shoulder from a torn labrum and it's getting closer to 100%. I also had a hour+ commute each way for over a year. It really can mess with the schedule and motivation. I get to work at home now which makes things a lot easier.

Sounds like life is good and about to get better!

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Yeah - it's much harder to find guys who care about what they eat.

If you do go to crossfit, be careful with the shoulder (not that you shouldn't do it). I've been doing it for a long time now, and I've been in and out of the groupie craze. Some crossfit addicts will claim that the wods/exercises will only help your shoulder - I promise that trying a muscle up with a messed-up shoulder is not a good idea. Ultimately, you have to be responsible for your own health - crossfit is heavy on "peer pressure", which gets many people into injury trouble.

The long commute (and work hours - I usually don't get home until after 9:30pm) immediately made me confront the obvious: it takes time to eat well. And it's not just preparation time - you need time to focus, plan, and reflect in order to sustain the diet. I haven't needed a "log" before, but I'm hoping it forces me to tackle those three things.

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Plan for 2/6:


3 Egg Scramble + spinach

Coffee (black)

Snack - chicken breast

Lunch - grass-fed london broil + spinach

Dinner - tuna + broccoli

I haven't been working out much because of a rough work schedule. Once Thursday passes, I'll likely start working out 5+ times a week again - after which I am planning on seriously increasing the quantities of food I eat.


I ended up hitting a wod yesterday due to work frustration.Day so far-Breakfast - piece of chicken and bananaSnack 1-fruitSnack 2- Starbucks almondsLunch-two pieces of chicken Plan continued:Tonight- wild cod and broccoli

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Tomorrow's Plan:

Egg scramble

Roast tri tip

Chicken breast


2/7 Actual:

Breakfast - Egg Scramble (4 eggs_

Lunch - 2 chicken breasts + spring greens + carrots

Snack - Avocado


Post WO Snack - 1 Chicken Breast

Dinner - Steak tips + some veggie

Shopping list: spinach, chicken, beef, carrots

Obviously, I'm not sticking with my "plans" very well. But I don't care - I'm sticking with the program fine. The planning helps keep me focused more than anything. I'm actually aware that I'm eating too little. This is crazy to me as I'm grilling about 2 pounds of meat per night. My gym/sleep has been horrible because of a weird workload however (in the office until 11pm last night, woke up today at 4am to go back; this is the second night of that)...I'm hoping that settles down soon.

I feel good from the diet change. I've been down this road before; I'm not really feeling any of the transition effects. Mainly, I feel in charge of my life - this is a useful bit of confidence when life starts throwing a ton of unexpected requirements at you (like now).

I need to sleep tonight. Lack of sleep = lack of focus = bad diet decisions.

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2/8, business as usual.

B: 3 egg scramble + spinach

L: Roast tri-tip

Afternoon workout: Crossfit

S: Chicken Breast (maybe X2)

D: steak and veggies?

One deviation from the rules: I enjoyed a glass of red wine with my gf last night. This will happen weekly, and I don't care. I just want to make sure that: 1) I'm not drinking excessively, and 2) I'm not drinking when it's not worth it (i.e I'm alone).

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Breakfast - restaurant in Chicago - tenderloin steak, avocado, butternut squash, spinach omelette with tomatoes...

Lunch - chicken breast (x3)

Lunch #2 - whole foods salad

Dinner - steak tips (0.5 lbs)

I was craving things like crazy today. I ate quite a bit more as well. I kept it compliant though...

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2/11 -

Breakfast - egg scramble with spring mix lettuce + coffee

Plan for the Rest of the Day:

Lunch - spring mix + chicken breasts

Snack - Avocado

Dinner - Borsht (my russian gf is promising that she will make it compliant)

Shopping list for tomorrow:


coconut oil

coconut cream



some other vegetable

some other meats (and something to slowcook)

avocado's (not fully ripened)

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Alright - I've been getting hit with so much unexpected work that I've been spotty (mostly due to inability to plan well). I'm going to restart this.

I've got a trip to Vietnam planned for work at the end of March. I'm going to attempt to go completely clean (yes, including wine) until then.

2/22/2013 -

3 egg scramble + spinach + mushrooms

lunch: chicken breast + spinach

post-workout - canned tuna

dinner - grass-fed london broil


3 egg scramble + spinach + mushrooms

lunch: left over london broil

dinner: chicken breast + spinach

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah,a trip to Vietnam messed with my eating, haha.


breakfast: chicken + various fruit and carrots


Lunch: chicken + spinach + carrots + cucumbers tossed in olive oil

Dinner: Maybe something other than chicken? haha. Steamed broccoli

Grocery List: grass fed steak

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