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Halfway there! (and a small mistake)

Nikki Hirigoyen

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Today is day 15 of my first whole 30. I was being a total stickler and reading labels on everything, exceppppt when I decided to check the label on our peppered turkey bacon from Trader Joes on day 11. Yep, it contains sugar. I totally beat myself up about it and was going to start over when I decided not to. The daily newsletter today said make your own decision about small mistakes like that, which reaffirmed my decision. I decided that I would not start over, because mentally I didnt know if i could go back from day 11 to day 1 without getting discouraged or giving up. What I decided to do instead is get to day 30 and add on 11 more days from there if I feel its necessary. I know its the exact same thing. But in my brain it works.

By day 15, I feel so good that I cannot imagine eating any other way. My husband is (mostly) doing the whole 30 program with me and he has had a lot of cravings for our former bad habit foods (weekly burgers and beers at our favorite place, late night donut runs, french toast every friday- hard habits to kick). I have literally had none. I havent pined for the foods that I am missing out on, because the foods I'm eating now are just as good, if not better. Sure, when I was at lunch with a friend eating a salad while she ate wings and fries, my mouth watered for a bite. But my salad was damn good and I enjoyed every bite of it.

i have literally never felt better. I am dying to weigh myself but I can tell by the way that my clothes fit that this is not just an internal change. My skin has never looked better. I do barre and yoga classes about 5 days a week and i have so much more energy and stamina that its insane.

Heres to 15 more days and the rest of my life!

Anyone else on as much of a high as I am? Lets keep this good feeling going, tell me how you are doing!

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