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Oh dear! Need to get back on track....


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Stress sucks! I have never been this stressed out ever and it has caused some really crappy food choices that I am too embarrassed to mention. We are in the middle of moving in with my mother in law, we have to be out of our house by February 27, I decided to join a district writing task team to work on units to be passed out to the all teachers in our district next year which requires a lot of work and meetings outside of the school day in addition to my regular classroom work, report cards and conferences start March 4 (still grading work so I can do report cards), and the list could go on and on......

For the last three to four mornings, I have announced to my family that I am getting back on track with eating only to fall flat on my face by late afternoon. Once this happens, I throw in the towel and count the whole day as a loss and continue to eat crappy things. The weight I had lost during the first whole 30 (January 2013) is back on and my workouts are sporadic. I haven't done yoga in two weeks. I feel like shit inside and out. I hate feeling this way! I'm overwhelmed and depressed by the fact that I worked so hard during January to do my first whole 30 and then dumped it all down the drain. It's been a learning process at least.

I would love, love, love to start tomorrow but realistically that may not happen. My kitchen is pretty packed up and I have not done my "normal" shopping or food planning/prep this week. I can't even open a can of tuna because I excitedly packed the can opener away! Oops! And it seems sort of random staring tomorrow, Wednesday February 20th (really does it matter?)

So I will be back tomorrow (hopefully) with whole 30 day eats day 1 because I love myself enough to know that I really need this right now. I don't have too much control over the other things going on in my life, but I can control my food choices and taking care of myself.

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GREAT job getting back on track, even though it feels like everything is going against you. You can do it!! I have had similar problems in counting days as a loss after eating one bite of something unhealthy - and then proceeding to eat everything in site just because "Oh well, I already messed up so I might as well just start over tomorrow!"

Now I'm starting to realize that even though I may not make it through the 30 days (even though I REALLY want to!!), if I do eat something accidentally or something happens that requires me to restart, instead of binging on sugary foods, I need to catch myself before I eat anything else, and plan my next meal to be a fully Whole30 approved dish. Though it's a slip-up, it'll be much easier to get back on track the next day (and keep eating well the rest of that day!) if I don't give into my old ways, and refill my system with chemicals and sugar.

Good luck to you tomorrow and for the rest of your Whole 30!!

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Try not to judge yourself harshly or feel like you have lost ground on the weight loss. Instead, if you can, tell yourself that eating "clean," even if not entirely Whole 30 compliant, is a way of taking care of yourself. And, now more than ever, you could use some care!

Good luck!!! Keep on keeping on.

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