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Day 1 - 02/24/13


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Starting the W30 today for the first time. My primary goal is to get healthier with better energy and not drag throughout the day. I've also had a lot of digestive problems, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this might benefit me.

I'm trying to generally get healthier overall and increase athletic performance for mountain climbing.



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Welcome and congratulations! You and I have some similar goals and health concerns and similar interestes. I am on day 7. I felt a bit overwhelmed a few days ago, but things have really turned a corner.

Best of health and energy to you!


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Day 1 for me too. We are in Australia, I have four friends doing it with me ;-). My aim is for inner health, so skin, energy and general well being. I am looking forward to it, but am not use to focussing my days around food. Its time for lunch, though I am still full from my big breakfast. Love to hear all your news with it and will keep you posted on ours. cheers

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