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Simone's First W30 march 2013


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Feeling good this morning...i got 8 1/2 hrs of sleep last night. It's cloudy and wet here, but it's warm.hoping the sun will come out later.

I am running low on food...so breakfast was 1 small bowl of Carribean Seafood Stew, 3/4 of a roasted sweet potato, and the last egg (fired over easy) with 2 cups of bullet proof coffee.

I got a package from World of Spice yesterday, and may use the yummy ranch seasonings to make ranch dip with the last of my homemade mayo (before it goes bad) later. I'm definitely aiming for 4 dozen or so eggs this week, since 3 dozen didn't quite cut it...having 3 of us eat eggs most days means a lot of eggs. well, I'm off to do a little quick cleaning, and the dishes before taking a shower and taking off to do all my errands. Have a great day!

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i'll have to catch up on everyone else's log tomorrow..

lunch- chicken and a big salad

dinner- chicken, fried plantains, ranch dressing(home made) carrot sticks and broccoli.

big news...went to buy a new pair of jeans...i've been wearing a size 18 for nearly 6 years...today i got a size 16 and they fit comfortably (not even a little too tight)! my mom and grandma both commented on how much smaller my belly is looking as well...not even a full 2 weeks in yet and i'm down a size!!!

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good morning! I got between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 hours of sleep last night...woke up feeling great and am ready to tackle a day full of cooking and cleaning.

breakfast- 3 eggs over easy, a little leftover chicken, leftover plantains (i had planned on cooking a little spinach, but didn't get to that) and 2 cups of bullet proof coffee.

...taking a little walk with my niece after the boys get on the bus, then cooking up a big double batch of chocolate chili and some chicken breasts so that i have stuff i can do quickly this week. I have to get a ton of cleaning caught up, and re-organizing the whole downstairs and paperwork to do, so i have a busy week ahead. Have a great day, everyone.

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big news...went to buy a new pair of jeans...i've been wearing a size 18 for nearly 6 years...today i got a size 16 and they fit comfortably (not even a little too tight)! my mom and grandma both commented on how much smaller my belly is looking as well...not even a full 2 weeks in yet and i'm down a size!!!

Yay! Way to go Simonec!

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thanks, nyx!

lunch-leftovers! i had the last of the Carribean Seafood Stew (i smallish cup) and a little leftover chicken and red peppers, broccoli and carrots (all raw) with some of the ranch dressing i made last night...

i took a 20 minute walk outside in the sunshine with my niece. the windows and doors are open to let fresh air in. i have chocolate chili cooking and need to get some cleaning done...a little tired today, but feeling good. if this good weather holds i'll take the kids out for a long walk on the weekend.

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Simone, I'm loving reading specifically about what you're eating. And I 've got a question: Where did you get the Caribbean Seafood Stew recipe? Is it in "Well Fed"? Maybe it's time to buy myself a copy.

it'as from everyday paleo http://everydaypaleo.com/caribbean-seafood-stew/ and i might add it has helped me discover that my kids love shrimp.

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ok...made a big double batch of chocolate chili, didn't get the rest of the cooking done, since i was trying to clean and take care of my niece, but hoping to make a few more things tomorrow and continue cleaning and reorganizing...freezing a few containers of chocolate chili and putting the rest in the fridge...hoping i can cut back on some of the kitchen cooking/cleaning i do daily, by doing most of the stuff that takes me a while today and tomorrow.

more news...i've found some containers that i hope to be able to order soon which will be perfect for sending the kids' lunches to school in.i shouldn't have much of a problem finding foods they like to send with them...one of the kids just ate a little home made ranch dip and tons of raw carrots and raw red peppers and they both LOVE fresh fruit and usually will have no problem with meats or veggies. so if i don't get them soon enough for this round i'll do a second w30 soon where we are all doing it.

dinner- bowl of chocolate chili a little guac from the other day (surprisingly still good) a couple chunks of avocado, carrot sticks, broccoli and red peppers (the kids ate all the ranch dressing/dip on me so i didn't get any of that).

today was such a gorgeous day i just wanted to be outside in the fresh air and sun...i got a 20 minute walk and spun poi for 10 minutes, but really would have liked to start in on yard work (more incentive to hurry up and get done fixing up inside...the sooner i get it done the sooner i can get out into the yard and start preparing for planting. (i have a really small space and most of it is concrete patio, but i really want to garden in the little bit of space i can).

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having a kind of emotional/frustrating day...i think the kids have started their growth spurt (they are fighting and whining and eating non stop...which happens every march for about 2 weeks at which point they manage to grow an inch to an inch and a half...happens every year and every year i forget until they've been beating on each other and arguing with everyone for 2 or 3 days and remember that they are also eating more than usual) and i'm wishing i could clean 4 rooms at once and paint and set everything up to start my business...have to remind myself that i can't do 50 things all at once.

so lunch- 1 big bowl of chocolate chili, with avocado chunks, 1 big salad with a few olives and a little acv and ginger and garlic.

trying to get stuff done..feeling tired and frustrated...going to go to bed early again tonight and hopefully not wake up at 3 am. my grandmother said i could walk over there tomorrow and she'd come help me try to get some cleaning and organizing done...so as soon as the kids go to school in the morning i'll be doing that. they only have a half day, so i'll be getting them off of the bus at lunch time then my grandmother and i will try to get them to help us clean.

i did manage to get in a little meditation and some poi spinning today...time to get back to food prep and cleaning.

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OMG that song is hilarious! I need to play it for the kids! Spring is peeking here but we woke to find a dusting of snow. Turned out to be a beautiful sunny day though.

I think you mean Lunchbots or Planetbox... I am going to get those when Danica starts full day kindergarten in Aug/Sept. My sending a snack to school wasn't so well rec'd. Because it's a small home day care, if mine bring something different the other kids want and it makes it tough for the lady there. I may just make batches of paleo muffins or snacks and every once in a while send enough for all 9 kids. She'll be fine with that if everyone can have the same thing. And she's pretty cool so if I make something and it turns out they all like it I'm sure she would be interested in making it.

Hey, do you have "Eat like a dinosaur"? Just ordered it and wondering if another mom has tried it.

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Evelyn, that's a bummer about sending snacks to school. my guys are in full day kindergarten at the moment. i think it was Lunchbots that i was thinking of, and i wanted to find some sort of thermos like container to send warm foods in, but want to read up more on those.

no, i don't have "Eat Like A Dinosaur" yet, but i am hoping to get it soon.

the Musician who does that song also has one called "the Salad of Doom"... my kids love those songs.

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the afternoon was much better than the morning...i managed to get a little cleaning done and made a date to go out to a movie and get a bite to eat with one of my best friends...navigating the eating out will be interesting, but worth a try. the kids agreed to help me out with getting some stuff done tomorrow afternoon and saturday and i'm hoping we have good weather this weekend.

dinner- spinach and turkey burger with steamed broccoli and homemade sundried tomato, chipotle mayo (was playing around and experimenting and it came out really good, now if i can just remember exactly how i did it)...one of the kids and i loved the mayo and burgers ( he ate 2 burgers and the last 2 bites of his brother's as well) and our broccoli, the other one ate most of his burger with a little mayo, but decided he wanted,his broccoli and a little bit of raw red pepper and baby carrots and a few olives more than the burger and mayo.

well, i'm off to put little guys to bed and enjoy a little time for meditation before going to bed myself.

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i got 9 hours of sleep last night, YAY!

breakfast-4 eggs over easy, roasted cabbage, and 2 cups of bullet proof coffee.

off to get the little guys on the school bus and then walk over to my grandma's house to get her.

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ok...lunch yesterday was chicken and fried plantain...i can't remember what green veggie i made, but i'm pretty sure it was broccoli

for dinner i was out with a friend and thought it would be a challenge...but they had grilled steak tips that where not marinated in anything bad and steamed veggies and salad with olive oil and vinegar, so that worked for me along with a couple glasses of water as we sat and chatted and caught up on all the things that have happened since we last hung out a little over 2 months ago.

before dinner last night i went and saw Oz...it was a visually stunning movie, but the plot didn't hold many surprises, it wasn't bad, but it was predictable. from an artistic standpoint and as someone who LOVES the Wizard of Oz it was cool...the camera angles and the CG effects and the vibrant colors and attention to detail were very nice.

i got 7 hours of sleep last night after getting home shortly after midnight.

breakfast- 3 smallish home made turkey sausages, 2 eggs over easy, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted cabbage 2 cups of bullet proof coffee.

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I didn't mean to go MIA...but i've stayed on track...summation of the last few days - lots of eggs, lots of chicken, turkey breakfast sausage, steaks, brussel sprouts, plantains, cabbage, carrots, and broccoli...sick kid, snow storm, grocery shopping, niece here while her brother had a hockey tournament in NH (his team won the championship for the second year in a row), and my living room looks worse than it did friday night...tomorrow i re-clean the kitchen and living room if i don't have to bring sick boy to the dr.

i've been thinking a lot about things ...bullet proof coffee is probably one of my favorite things in the morning...well, actually breakfast is one of my favorite and most enjoyable meals most days, and i like savoring my bullet proof coffee and relaxing for a few minutes...there is no way i want to go back to feeling how i used to so other than ghee i think i'll keep dairy out for good (unless i find a local farm with grass fed raw milk that i can occasionally get as a bit of a treat) and grains i'm not even going to consider returning to...i will give honey and maple syrup a test ride after the 30 days, but don't want to push it too much...if it awakens the sugar dragon too badly i'll be right back on w30. also thinking that simpler foods are better, recipes are good, but i think i want to stick to the simpler the better most of the time...more herbs and variations and blends of herbs/spices less sauces and fussing over food...i think having a few favorite recipes of special occasion recipes is great, but i want to try to keep things as simple as possible most of the time.

my teeth are puzzling me...the gums are not looking as red and puffy as they had been, but they seem to have receded a bit from whatever was causing the irritation, and my teeth are feeling less sensitive and looking a little less transparent, yet are starting to have a yellow coloration they usually don't have...don't think it's from the coffee since i always have had coffee or tea in the morning without that happening...not quite sure about it, but will keep looking into it and watching the changes.(maybe my teeth are remineralizing and that has something to with it????) anyway, ib can always pick up food grade peroxide to see if that helps get rid of the yellow if worse comes to worse.

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good morning! happy vernal equinox!

breakfast was 1 cup bullet proof coffee, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 chicken drumstick some avocado and some fried plantain (only had a little avo and plantain before feeling full)...i haven't been too hungry the last 2 or 3 days...i plan on having 1 more cup of bullet proof coffee after i get the kids off to school...now it's time to get them off (happy to report that sick boy is now feeling better and his fever is gone).

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lunch yesterday- chicken drumsticks and carrot sticks (wasn't all that hungry)

dinner yesterday- sauteed onion, steak and asparagus

breakfast today- leftover steak and asparagus in a 4 egg omelet and roasted radishes, 2 cups of bullet proof coffee..cleaning, cleaning, cleaning and wishing it would warm up...my house is freezing (soon the weather will catch up with the season).

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lunch today- big bowl of chocolate chili, homemade ranch dressing/dip and carrot sticks and celery sticks...about to dink some kombucha and finish a load of dishes. i spun poi today (i just got brand new poi from Home of Poi and am totally loving my tailed poi...can't wait until all the snow melts and the kids and i can go spin poi outside).

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it just occurred to me that tomorrow is the first day of week 4. wow! i can't believe that it's already so far in. so this coming week i want to up the exercise, since i've been somewhat lacking in that this week (unless you count cleaning and snuggling kids who have tummy bugs as exercise)...i also want to work on sticking to a tighter budget...i've been a bit over what my food budget should be every week so far, so fine tuning things a bit...i plan on eating pretty close to w30 compliant with a few changes/adaptations for april, and i'll see how it goes, but i really need to watch my budget a bit better....ok now time to finish some cleaning before going to the bus stop to get the kids.

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You're doing great, Simone! And I do understand about wanting to hold the budget down. That's another thing I'm considering as I figure out where to go from . . . uh . . . Day 51! I like the way you're thinking about things. It seems that's another thing W30 is good for: just giving us an opportunity to take stock.

And yes, I consider house-cleaning to be exercise. IF it's done vigorously enough and for at least 30 minutes at a stretch.

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Ya am killing my budget too! Gotta figure something out. I think it must take a few weeks til you kinda figure out the amounts of the new foods you need and then finetune from there.

Never knew you could buy pois .... great idea for kids! How did you come up with that?

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