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2nd Time Singing the Blues


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Right so I'm going for a confession here: This 2nd W30 is even easier than the first. AND more confusing.

I loved, loved the Jan W30. It was my first, and it was 30 days of true surprises. Turns out I love BP Coffee. Turns out brekkie makes a BIG difference in my life. Even the reintro period shocked me somewhat: cream in my coffee was no longer any great shakes, it turns out I didn't miss my beloved cheese after all--just the idea--and I really, really, really liked how stable my energy levels were. That was W30 #1.

Singing those praises so loudly, Daughter 1 and Husband jumped on mid February, and decided they would do a W30, too. I'd had just 2 weeks of reintro and said I'd go ahead and support them, so I jumped into my 2nd W30 on the 13th of Feb.

It's been easier. I've learned--or rather confirmed--that the basic blocks (breakfast in the morning especially) are KEY to success, whether on W30 or not. But I've felt...I dunno...flat these past several days especially. No YEAH, I GOT THIS! moments, particularly. More yeah, this totally is brilliant. Which it is. I'm just not LEAPING for joy at how I feel, etc. I'm completely compliant and happy being so, but the glee just isn't there this time. Though I'm looking better all the time, clothing fits, tummy is mega flattening (and I never thought that would happen after 3 kiddos)...All GOOD things. No, let's be honest, GREAT things. But I feel less enthusiastic about it all. No desire to jump off compliancy, just a bit--blah. Which makes me feel guilty, as well (Catholic school upbringing, anyone?).

So. I'm just wondering. Any 2nd timers or multi-timers out there who have had this experience? I'm totally behind W30. Love it. Just can't figure out where my head is at....

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