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Mirena, Whole30 & surprise cramps


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Oh. My. Word.

I had Mirena inserted a few years ago and have been a happy, period-free wonder ever since.

Up till Day 13 and what must be the delightful bloat n' bleed phase of my cycle. I had forgotten just how awful that is. Now I remember. Ignorance was bliss. This is pelvic hell.

There's nothing wrong with the device or my parts. Just going through the pain others experience and was sorely unprepared for it.

Please pray for spontaneous human combustion so this will end quickly.

Or, you know, share home remedy tips.

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Crisis averted.

The pain was crazy intense but passed after a few hours. The longest hours of my life, sure, but it finally went away.

ATTENTION, PRE-MENOPAUSAL "PERIOD-FREE" LADIES: Consider adding pain relievers, hot water bottles and feminine hygiene paraphernalia to your Whole30 shopping list. Better safe than sorry.

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