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Om Anamdham Namah


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As I begin my 3rd Whole 30 I am also doing the Chopra Center 21 Day Meditation Challenge. It seemed fitting that for my Whole 30 Day 1 the mantra was:

"Om Anandham Namah: My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome."

A beautiful reminder to release my expectations.

So this is where I start.

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I'm doing the Oprah/Choprah meditation challenge, too! I'm tickled at how well the theme Perfect Health coincides with a Whole30.

And I love your point about releasing expectations about the outcome. I remember that day, but I hadn't connected it to W30 yet.

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Today's meditation topic was about finding balance in food. The centering thought was about choosing foods that nourish our bodies. i think this ties in very closely with the Whole 30 program, to be conscious of what we are eating and how it effects our health. In my meditation journal I reflected on how stress has affected my ability to make conscious food choices and made it hard for me to realize what my body needs. One of the aspects of the Whole 30 that I really like is that it does ask you to really think about how food choices affect you and be conscious about that.

On another note, I did "cheat" on my Whole 30 this last week (gasp!). Although I thought it was a very appropriate cheat. My friend has been talking about these traditional scandinavian cookies his wife makes for months now, and he finally brought one to me to try. One of the things I love about food is how it can carry cultural traditions, and bring people together. His gift of this cookie was about their traditions and cultural pride. And it was delicious, not too sweet with pecans and candied fruit.

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