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Allison's Whole 30 - started 3/13


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Thanks so much to Tjinguy! I feel like I'm on a roll.

Day 12:

Woke up at 3:15 in the morning. That really bites. I can't wait to get my sleep straightened out.

Breakfast at 7 o'clock:

a piece of egg quiche, some chicken for more protein, and half an avocado for my fat. I packed up a half a sweet potato and more chicken to have after my WOD at about 9:45. I I'm feeling better, but I still don't have much strength when it comes to workouts. That's a little frustrating. Probably I need to drink more water. And sleep.


A piece of roasted pork from the fresh market, the other half of the avocado, and a huge pile of french green beans.

Doing really good on the no sugar part. It's becoming easier to remove candy from my little brain.

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Dinner : a little earlier than usual... Hope I'm ok for the rest of the night. That's my most difficult time of day, when young girls' minds are filled with thoughts of CANDY!

Ahem... Excuse me... Back to dinner

I made meatball cupcakes, and they were v tasty, if I may say. Also cinnamon dusted but squash cubes - yum. And I took 3 bags of frozen greens, heated 'em up with diced onion and whole 30 chicken broth, and bob's your uncle!

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Day 13 and sleep is a freakin mystery!

Woke up at 2, and didn't get back to sleep 'til 4:00. I really can't wait to get my sleep pattern figured out.

Also when I woke up at two, it was with one of those stabbing pains in my throat where I couldn't swallow. I know I need to drink more water, and I'm going to try some tea without lemon or anything.

For breakfast I had one leftover meatball and just a little bit of butternut squash, thinking I was going to work out. I also had a big handful of blueberries and about's 6 ounces of blackberries. They just feel like exactly what my throat needs right now.

But I really didn't feel good enough so I didn't work out. Since I had such a small breakfast, I think I will have a snack at 10 o'clock, my normal post workout time.

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This is day 14, and for some reason Siri won't let me dictate. Grrr.

Anyway, yesterday turned out be an extremely stressful day. I was in the car for much of it, and since I still had the sore throat/headache thing going on, I didn't work out. So I ended up sort of grazing all day - a meatball and squash (that was supposed to be my post WOD snack), berries (blue and black), a little chicken and some grapes. By the time I got home it was 7:00, and I went right upstairs to bed. I hadn't planned that, but the second I got in the house I was done for the day.

Woke up at 11. The old me would have SO gone downstairs and eaten crap. I just went back to bed, which meant I made it through a really tough, long day, without going off the plan! Thank you, thank you. No no, please sit back down.

When I awoke to day 14, I was famished. Made a mash up of 3 eggs and the previous night's peas. Oh shit. Peas might be bad. Must go look. Back in a minute.

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Ok - it looks like peas are acceptable, barely. So I'm not starting over with Day 0, but I'm gonna stay away from The Pea from now on. Around 10:00 I had a closed handful of almonds, cashews and walnuts from Whole Foods. Then, when I got home at noon (still feeling sick and didn't work out), I cooked up the rest of the meatballs, and ate them with carrots, zucchini and broc. I'm a little embarrassed to say this, although you're my friend so I know you will accept me anyway, but I bet I ate almost a POUND of grass fed beef. Those meatballs were so good!

I really wanted a few berries for dessert, but was brave enough to gut it out. No dessert needed here, people

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I was under the impression that green beans, peas, etc are legumes but since they are not "adult", they are okay.

Good job on staying on plan! Only 16 days left for us ... should be a snap right? ;)

no peas are out, things like mange tout, string beans etc are ok - basically ones that are more pod than bean.

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Thanks for chiming in Derval! Are you saying that peas are unacceptable, or that no pea is unacceptable?

Anyhoo. DAY 15 begins.

Breakfast was a carnivorous one, with a piece of steak and the cumin carrots and cauliflower rice from last night. Then I remembered to bring my post WOD protein n carb, but forgot to eat it until a couple of hours past the workout. So, memory loss may be a condition to work on.

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Thanks for chiming in Derval! Are you saying that peas are unacceptable, or that no pea is unacceptable?.

Lol, I can see the grammatical lack of clarity

Peas are not whole 30 compliant

However some peas, some as mange tout, string beans etc are more pod than pea and are allowed

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Day 15. The morning started with a piece of steak and leftover veggies from last night. I had made cumin roasted carrots and cauliflower rice to go along with the steak. And it was darn good let me tell you, Missy!

I had brought sweet potato and some a little bit more steak to have after my workout. I was proud of myself for remembering to bring it, but I forgot to eat it after the workout. I'm a work in progress.

When I got home around 11:30, Amy the chef (from my old non-cooking days) was there creating wonderful clean food for our family. She had a bowl ready for me filled to the brim with all kinds of veggies: squash blue cauliflower, zucchini, all kinds of yummy stuff. So I scarfed that whole thing down. Then I got my second and final cuppa coffee for the day with coconut milk. im kinda getting used to not adding a big tablespoon of Ovaltine and a big elbow jerk of french vanilla creamer. That was then and now is BETTER. The two dogs, the two cats and I went downstairs to work in my (art) studio for a couple of hours.

Then I drove to pick up Girl (soon-to-be) Clean Eater from school. We stopped at Fresh Market, where she got a yummy chicken breast, and I got a hunk o pork. I snacked on it as we drove GCE to her Teen Crossfit workout.

Dinner was at Alessio's Pizza where I chose my usual: grilled chicken and broccoli.

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Day 16.

I am feeling pretty good right now, people. I still have a cold, and sound super hoarse, but I was able to get through my workout today and that was a good thing. Also, I don't know if I lost weight or anything, but I feel like I look good. And if you feel like you look good what difference does it make if you really DO look good, or not. Something to ponder.

Breakfast was a very quick steak and half of an avocado about 40 minutes before I worked out. And after my workout I did remember to have a half-asleep (thank you Siri) potato and a couple bites of pork from Fresh Market.

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Day 16.

I am feeling pretty good right now, people. I still have a cold, and sound super hoarse, but I was able to get through my workout today and that was a good thing. Also, I don't know if I lost weight or anything, but I feel like I look good. And if you feel like you look good what difference does it make if you really DO look good, or not? Something to ponder.

Breakfast was a very quick steak and half of an avocado about 40 minutes before I worked out. And after my workout I did remember to have a half-asleep (thank you Siri) potato and a couple bites of pork from Fresh Market.

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At 11:30 Or so I had the most amazing kale, lemon, and slivered almond salad. It was created by our wonderful Chef Amy, who comes to our house every month so to create a few things. She made up a batch of it, and said that we could use it as a base for any meal. I already practically ate up the whole container, and cannot wait to ask for more.

I had both Whole 30 Sub 1 and Whole 30 Sub 2 with me, and we ran errands until 4 o'clock. I was absolutely famished, and I knew I couldn't wait until 630 for dinner. So I just grabbed a little bit more of the kale salad with chicken, leftover cauliflower rice and leftover cumin carrots. Seriously Yummability!

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And another thing. Today I felt confident enough in my ability to differentiate between stuff I can eat and stuff I can't eat to allow the kids to get some of their special treats when we grocery shopped. That would never have happened two weeks ago before Whole 30!

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Dinner is done. It was just leftovers but it was SO good. A little pork, a little chicken, a little carrots, and a little cauli rice all atop a TASTY kale, lemon n almond salad. I ate every morsel, which reminds me...

I pretty much eat until there's none left on the plate, as opposed to eating until I'm full. Must ponder...

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DAY 17!

I'm starting to really dig my new schedule for food. It's Saturday and I had half of an avocado and some chicken at about eight and went to the gym. I did a really good workout - one of my best ever from the not-quitting-ness perspective. Them I went to get my post Wod purple sweet potato from the car and I found my little dog Fern with purple mush and a very guilty look on her face. I took the remaining third of sweet potato from Fern's mouth, and microwaved the cooties out. Nothing what's going to stop me having my post WOD protein and carb!

I'm so excited about the changes that this Whole 30 is bringing about. I feel so free from my old thinking. In the old days I spent 45 years basically going from kindergarten candy bar either eating myself for wanting more candy or eating more candy or hating myself for eating the candy, And it's like I've just jumped off this crazy carousel and landed my feet on the ground. I feel so free from that sugar circle. Now I just know I don't have sugar I can't eat sugar. I have to treat it like heroin and is just bad for me and my body. For right now my thought is that I will not be able to interest reintroduce a little bit of sugar, because it would start me back up on the road to sugar hell. Still at the moment, I feel like I will just say no to sugar forever.

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I feel like crap. Yeah, had a good workout but now I'm exhausted, laryngitis, achy. Went to the doc and that didn't help. Dinner was leftovers and then bed.

DAY 18

Feel like double crap. So tired, no voice. We're supposed to be going to a friends house for dinner Later, and I am scheduled to bring a couple of side. I was excited about going, but now I'm just so tired. Anyway I'm thinking of doing Roasted butternut squash, because I can use that precut squash cubes from Trader Joe's. Also I thought I could try making a kale salad, but I never made one before, so I'm not so sure. Plus somebody else is bringing a salad, So my other choice is Avocado egg salad. Both recipes are from Foodee.com. I'll keep you posted!

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Date 18 continued. We had Easter dinner with friends. I brought butternut squash, because I ran out of time to make anything else. I'm still really hoarse and don't feel good. I had chicken and butternut squash. It was pretty easy to tune out what had formerly been one of my most tormented holidays. All that candy. But this time it wasn't too bad. I did get envious when everybody else had Tom's amazing cheesecake, but I got over it.

We got home at about 4:30 and I just went right to bed. I popped a couple of nyquils and took amoxicillin prescribed by the doctor.

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DAY 19

If dreams count I would so be starting over. I've had three or four dreams where I end up eating all the candy and sugar in the room. In one dream our kitchen was being renovated and when it was over I walked in to find that the kitchen designer had thoughtfully placed pieces of candy and cakes all throughout the entire kitchen.

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Day 19: dinner was at 10 - grilled up some veg , had it with pork.

Don't think I've lost any weight - tried on my tight jeans and they were impossible.

Made it through the day though!

It's day 21 and the email from whole 30 reminded me to write down us some smart goals to remind myself how important it is to keep going.

At first I started thinking what could say maybe I lost 5 pounds or something like that, but I would way rather say that I knew how to do a strict pull-ups rather than lose weight. Yah I lost 5 pounds, but can you do three kipping pull-ups?

The amoxicillin seems to hAve knocked out the cold and I'm finally starting to feel stronger. My sleep still sucks. Last night I took one center next, and woke up at 1 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 415, and then dozed till about 630.

The whole 30 is really hard ass about making you stop the food cravings. So it's very easy to have a little some sweet grapes for dessert, or just before I go to bed, but I know that that is not what the whole 30 is trying to teach me. So today, day 21, is a renewed effort to avoid everything sweet.

Also, I had a yummy chicken and red pepper sauce thing from Amy yesterday, and it had bacon bits in it. She told me the bacon was sugarfree and that she got it at whole foods, but I don't think there is a sugar-free bacon at whole foods. No big deal because I'm just can I keep extending my whole 30, but it is kind of a bummer. On the other hand, that chicken red pepper and bacon was sure good!

I done a really good job of completely avoiding the kids on food. Ethan bought a six pack of Whoopie pies, some ice cream, Olivia had some M&Ms, and some other snack he foods and I just have completely turned my head off of them. I decided that for me, sugar is crack. I really can't have any. Right now at least.

I'm on my way to work out now. I left my water bottle there yesterday, so I haven't been drinking quite as much water as I know I need to. So for the rest of this week Michaels will be him to drink a little bit more water, or drink a lot more water, and try some different strategies to try and get the sleep thing going. I know once I can get enough sleep, I'm going to be a beast.

Also, at first I thought I could just stop with the food journaling because I'm in a good groove, but I think dying and smarter than that. I've learned from past experience, that I really need to keep journaling and keep doing all the things that are keeping me on task and focused. Also preparing the food is so important it was really hard yesterday to make roasted veg and meatball when I was so hungry but I'm really proud that I did it.

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Day 21 continued…

Had an awesome workout. I'm we did wall walks and I worked really really hard. Maureen even said I was motivated her to do better. Then I took me half an hour or so but are eventually I remembered and had a little tiny square of meatloaf and a sweet potato. Then about 1230 I stirfried up sautéed real quick some kale chopsticks from Trader Joe's, and cooked up the last the hamburger so I had to little hamburgers and iMessage badge. It was awesome

I feel like I'm really in a groove now. Got another compliment that I look good. Also Kim said my arms look jacked up during the workout.

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DAY 22 - feeling stronger every day!

I had an 7:30 workout session with Brad today. So at about 6.30 I had a little bit of leftover meat and avocado. And of course coffee with coconut milk. Someone at the gym today asked me about ISWF. Is it possible that I am a walking recommendation for the program? I'm definitely feeling stronger. Last night I slept until about two and fell back asleep at three till about five. Dozed until about six.

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