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Cat's whole 30 log

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I decided to start the whole 30 in order to improve some health problems. I have intolerances to wheat and gluten and some other issues when I eat too much sugar. I have tried doing the diet on my own a couple of times in the last 5 months, but I really do need some support because I have given into my cravings each time. I signed up for the newsletter and I plan to log my food and results on the forum. I really hope this gives me more will power.

Yesterday was day 1 and it went really well

what I ate:

eggs with conut oil and collard greens with onion and garlic.

romaine and boston lettuce with tomato, avocado, pork chop- with oil and vinegar.

dried unsweetened coconut

grilled lime and cilantro chicken , grilled onion, avocado and green beans in coconut oil

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I had completed a W30 previously but when I did my last one I subscribed to the newsletter. I found them to be very helpful. They start your day off on a good note, and at the end of the day you have to click the "I did it" or "I made some bad choices". I never wanted to have to click the 'bad choices' option so it really helped keep me on track. Preparation is also super important. If you have lots of good stuff already available it makes it easier to make a good choice over a not so good choice. Stay strong and stay positive!! 29 days to go..

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Thank you for the advice! I am ashamed to say that i already cheated :(. I had ice cream on my day two. So I have rebooted. Yesterday was my new day 1. I know why I cheated though- and part of it is beacuase I didnt make sure to have plenty of food available and I wasn't prepared. It felt so awful to click the "I made some bad choices " option on my newsletter. I am glad I made the oops so early though- I have learned right away that I dont like that feeling. I think it will help me to stick with it better.

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I also have issues with giving into cravings. I can never seem to finish something that I started. I am trying to to think of this as a diet but as a way to change my lifestyle but even that is not working too well. Good luck to you. I was having some cravings and I think this forum really helps to re-emphasize why I chose to do this challenge.

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