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First whole 30 starting April 1st

Ren Davis

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I do believe that all ailments and diseases can be healed through food and/or our thinking. I have read so much on nutrition, supplements, and different ways of eating to lose weight and be heathy. Like so many people, I've tried fad, high carb, low carb, calorie counting, percentage of fat per calorie, and so many other diets and eating programs. I am transferring from a highly restrictive eating program that has been working for weight loss (lost 15 lbs in the last 6 weeks), but is literally eating my life... it is so complicated and time consuming. I can't see it working long-term. I just quit a smoking addiction and caffeine two months ago, and am realizing I've just switched from my life revolving around cigarettes to revolving around food.

I have a co-worker who started Paleo a couple of years ago and after talking with him and reading up on the health benefits of Paleo, I've decided this way of eating seems very doable and beneficial to me. My fiance and I have been talking about getting healthier for a few years now and Paleo is an eating plan we can both agree on.

Health issues to heal or eliminate symptoms: 1) Insulin Resistance, 2) Heartburn, 3) Mid-back/side pains that started a couple of weeks ago, suspect last food program to be the culprit, 4) Sore shoulder, possibly tendonitis or nerve issue, 5) IBS, 6) Hormonal Imbalances, 7) Afternoon slumps and general fatigue, 8) Dry skin.

Motivations and Goals: 1) June 26, getting married and want to look good for pictures, 2) August 1, I turn 40 and I don't want to be struggling with food and health issues in this new decade, 3) End of August, visiting friends and family back home that I haven't seen in more than seven years, again, want to look good and be energetic and healthy, 4) Long term goal is to have a fit/rockin' body again and this time realize it ... not think I'm fat when I'm not like I did when I was in my teens and early twenties, 5) Most importantly, to be in control of my life, confident and proud of myself, and have the energy to enjoy life.

Looking forward to getting started with this, but still have a lot of reading and planning to do. I'm hoping to get to know others going through this as well. I'll be looking for a support group starting around the same time as I am, otherwise if anyone is interested to start one up for the first week of April, please let me know.

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Welcome, Ren! So glad to see you join us. I truly believe you are in the right place. I, too, did all the diets out there, and none of them worked long-term. The unifying theory was that I did them for weight loss (like that would make me magically healthy), and once I hit my goal, my eating habits reverted to the stuff that made me fat in the first place.

This time around, I am eating for my health, and the weight loss is a welcome side effect. I have now come to understand that my body wants to be at a healthy weight, and if I nourish it properly, it will get there. I eat until I'm satisfied, and I don't count anything--grams, carbs, points, ounces, pounds, etc. Putting away the scale was terrifying, yet freeing.

Stick around, this is a tremendous resource of people with one thing in common, the desire to optimize their health.

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Thanks Maryann and Kirsteen for the encouraging words and great welcome. Putting the scale away is going to be difficult for me too, because like you Maryann, I have been so focused on losing weight rather than being healthy. It is time to restructure my thinking and habits. We are clearing out our kitchen as I type this now. I'm hoping we'll be ready to go even prior to April 1st. --- Those cupboards sure are getting bare!!

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