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Starting whole30 tomorrow with a 4 and 5 y.o.

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My 5yo daughter has an autoinflammatory condition pretty severely. We are starting our whole family on whole 30 tomorrow for all of our benefits, but especially to see if it helps her.

There is a genetic component, but I have to wonder how much it has been "activated" by her being a c/s baby (poorly colonized gut from the start) and all the food that we eat.

So, any tips are welcome (we have a 4yo too) and prayers/ good thoughts that this helps her.


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I'm on the autoimmune protocol and my husband and kids are doing the regular W30, though a lot of our meals are AIP safe and very simple foods. When I first switched the kids (2 1/2 & 6) it was difficult for them and they asked me often for off plan foods. The older one understood the reasoning but the little one cried and whined a lot. I sounded like a broken record but this worked for us when they asked for off plan foods: "some foods make our bodies less healthy and ______ may be one, right now we are only choosing foods that make our bodies healthy (or big, strong, etc). Would you like ______ instead?" If it wasn't an appropriate time for a meal or a snack and they were just craving I would offer a non food treat like playdoh, water play, computer games, painting.

For the first few weeks I didn't worry too much about the meal template and allowed them to choose whichever approved foods they wanted. Everything in the kitchen was compliant so if they wanted olives and watermelon for dinner I didn't worry too much about it. Now that they are used to fresh foods and more meats we follow the template and allow them choices like which kind of fat they want (olives or coconut for example), what kind of veggies etc. they like making choices but we are in control of the choice options.

Above all, the most important factor is a positive attitude. Not setting a time limit and counting down the days till you can eat "normal food" again but rather viewing it as a relief to know what and how to eat to be healthy forever. Especially with a little one with a serious condition, the W30 really can be a blessing to your Whole family.

Best wishes and I look forward to following your family's journey!

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If you have the book It Starts With Food it is outlined in the chapter called "Special Populations". It is a slightly more restricted version of the W30 that removes more foods that are irritating for some people, people that "react to everything" so to speak, like eggwhites, nuts, coffee and nightshades (tomatoes, peppers) as

well as ibuprofen.

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Hi Emilé. I am starting tomorrow with my kids. Well they will start Monday because they are at my mom's for the weekend. I have a 10, 6, and 4 yo and it is the last two I am dreading to deal with!!!

But knowing that this is truly a gift makes it easier to prepare my mind for it, and Moluv your advice was great!! I will be using that too!! Please keep us posted Emilé as will I.

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