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Meeting a new provider


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I contacted the only person in my area who practices functional medicine and I have an appointment tomorrow. I think she is a nurse practitioner. Anyway, I have no idea what to expect. I have a pretty colorful medical history and have been looking for a new provider. I feel compelled to tell her about Whole30, but I'm not sure what to say exactly. I do know that I like myself more when I eat enough real food and I feel a lot healthier.

I would really love to hear what you have told your doctors and would also love to hear from anyone who has a provider of functional medicine. (Maybe I will memorize the 60 second speech from Dallas and Melissa - Ma and Pa9.)



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I am seeing a functional medicine chiropractor now. I basically summarized my history (also extensive) and my current issues on paper, and then let him make his own assessment and prescription. He basically prescribed, as a foundation, the whole30 program. Additionally, I am taking glutamate, Vit. D, and probiotics in addition, which he prescribed.

I figure I will present my history and current issues as concisely as possible, then listen. For me, if the doc doesn't agree with a diet I want to try, s/he should at least be open-minded enough to work with me: before and labs should tell the story.

I hope you make a good connection with this doc, and can let us know how it goes.


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When I go to see a new doc I do the same thing it sounds like Pea did... I write everything down, as clearly as I can, with dates. I always write down my questions and important things I want to talk about (say, the Whole30). Sometimes I will even ask the office if I can email what I've written to them so that the doc can look at it before seeing me. I always take a copy with me and use it to make sure I haven't forgotten to bring up anything.

Also, in a kind yet firm way, I make it very clear that I am active in my health care and that I expect my questions to be answered.

I wrote a lot more here, but it sounded awfully negative. I have had many bad experiences with care providers (and I work as a health care provider!)

To answer your specific questions, I would be honest with the provider about the Whole30 (the elevator speech sounds like a good idea) and concerns and expectations about the Whole30 and any other issues that you have. Might as well get it all out there to start... if you aren't happy with the reaction then don't see this person anymore.

One other thing I do is to have a conversation with myself. I remind myself that its my body and that I am not going to be bullied into anything I don't want to do (and they aren't going to use fear tactics on me). I am in control of my body and the choices I make for it.

Hmmm... can we say trigger! I hope perhaps a little piece of this will help you... if not, ignore! Good Luck!

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Thanks to you both! I went to the office only to be told that the woman I was scheduled to see does not practice functional medicine. (It was a 20 minute drive not counting rearranging my day). I decided to stay and filled out an electronic chart. I turned in my chart and waited. A family who did not speak English came in and I helped them complete their chart. It was a very busy waiting room and I noticed a lot of plastic surgery pamphlets. I realized I had waited an hour and decided that is not the clinic for me. The search continues as refills become due. Yikes!

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