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Lydia's Whole 30 take 1


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Started on April 1st but only discovered this sub-forum today so am posting 3 days at one time. In addition to doing the Whole 30, I want to limit the amount of nuts I'm eating. I plan to integrate them into meals but not have as a snack as I tend to overindulge. I don't have any plans to reduce the amount of coffee I'm drinking at this point, but maybe during a future Whole 30.

Note: I have difficulty eating large lunches with a lot of protein as I often end up working through lunch and eating too much gives me digestive unhappiness. I also have a night class on Tuesdays after work which throws a wrench into the works nutrition wise. Any suggestions are welcome.

Foods day 1 - 3

Day 1

Off to a shaky start due to staying up past bedtime at Bad Religion concert on Sunday night.

Breakfast: French country pork sausage with Bubbies sauerkraut and diced apple. Coffee with 1 tbsp TK coconut milk.

Upon arrival at work: Starbucks Americano with 1 tbsp coconut milk


Kabocha squash (mashed) with chopped mixed nuts

Baked zucchini with olive oil cured olives

Coffee with coconut milk

Snack: banana

Supper: Cold roast chicken (roasted with ghee and spices)

Salad:mixed greens, carrots, cucumbers, Bubbies pickles with avocado oil and apple cider vinegrette

Day 2

Breakfast: French country pork sausage, leftover roast chicken with salad and diced apple.

Coffee with coconut milk

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Lunch: Same as day before

Pre-class mini meal: carrot sticks, almond butter, banana

After class snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, some dried apples and dates (to get blood sugar up quickly as I was anxious to get to bed and wanted to be able to sleep through the night without another bllod sugar dip)

Day 3

Breakfast: Kabocha squash scrambled wtih 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil.

Coffee with coconut milk

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Snack: mini cucumber slices marinated in umeboshi vinegar.

Lunch: Squash and apple soup, 1/8 cup of mixed nuts. Mineola orange. Coffee with coconut milk.

Supper: Sirloin steak pan fried in ghee, cooked carrots and brussels sprouts with the drippings from the steak pan.

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Thanks. So far, so good :)

I have reduced my coffee intake from 4 to 3 cups a day. Not sure I will ever be able to cut it out completely as it would be unfair on anyone who has to deal with me.

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Today I want to kill all the things. Hoping this will pass. It doesn't help that my upstairs neighbour: Mr. Stompy McBongos is practicing guitar and possible building furniture. I am hoping that an hour of DanceDance Revolution will make me feel cheerier.

Today I ate

Breakfast: mixed green salad with avocado, chopped Bubbies pickle, apple, 2 hard boiled eggs,avocado oil and apple cider vinegrette and 3/4 of a small can of waterpacked tuna (the other 1/4 went to the cat). Coffee with coconut milk.

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Snack:sliced mini cucumber marinated in umeboshi vinegar

Lunch: Apple Squash soup, 1 tbsp almond butter, coffee with coconut milk

Supper: Mixed green salad with dulse, kimchee and thinly sliced steak drizzled in avocado oil, 6 chesnuts (which I am finding mixed info about whether or not these are paleo compliant.

I plan to have a glass of water with meyer lemon juice later on in the evening after playing DDR.

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Day 5

Feeling slightly less cranky despite the construction crew jackhammering the sidewalk outside my work all day.

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon, 1/2 an avocado, mini cucumber 2 hardboiled eggs, Bubbles dill pickle

Skipped the breakfast coffee

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Snack: 2 kiwis, mini cucumber

Lunch: Squash and apple soup. Americano (black)

Supper: Filet Mignon panfried in ghee, purple baby carrots & brussels sprouts with ghee, drippings from the steak pan. 2 chopped up dates.

Dessert: 1/4 cup of frozen blue berries with 2 tbsp coconut milk. - I don't normally eat dessert so I figured this would be ok as a one off. Truth be told what I am really craving is a martini.

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Happy for the weekend. Went to St. Lawrence Market on Friday after work at bought lots of expensive meat:filet mignon, a pheasant and the world's most expensive pork chop (actually wild boar). Looking forward to cooking the pheasant today.


Breakfast: smoked salmon with apple, pickle and butter lettuce. With avocado oil/umeboshi vinegar. Coffee with coconut milk

Mid morning: coffee with coconut milk

Lunch: salad with sliced filet mignon, 1/2 avocado, kim chee, avocado oil.

Supper: 2 medjool dates, 2 scotch eggs (using the recipe from Well Fed) cooked spinach, bubbies sauerkraut.

Went out for drinks with friends. Didn't cave- had 3 soda waters with lime.

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I think I went off the rails over the past 2 days due to "monthly" cravings. Didn't eat anything non-compliant but eating was all over the place and too many snacks. Also having to take extra strength tylenol in order to make it through the day. On a positive note, wanted something snacky on the way home, bought raw almonds instead of dark chocolate and have only eaten a few of them.

Breakfast: 2 Scotch eggs,salad, coffee with coconut milk

Mid morning: coffee with coconut milk

Lunch: Stew made from sweet potatoes, parsnips, 1/2cup V8 juice, spices & french country pork sausages. So delicious.

Supper: Roast pheasant with sliced roasted apples, green peas with ghee. 2 medjool dates, 1/4 cup shredded coconut. Lemon tea.


Really did not have any appetite this morning.

Breakfast: Scotch egg, coffee with coconut milk

Mid morning: Americano with coconut milk

Lunch: Zucchini basil soup, banana, coffee with coconut milk.

After work snack: 10 raw almonds, 1/4 cup trail mix: pumpkin seeds, goji berries, raisins, raw cashews.

Supper: Cold pheasant, jicama "home fries" from Well Fed- cooked in coconut oil with addition of green peas. (This is a great recipe although a bit time consuming because you have to cook the jicama in a slow cooker for at least 12 hours. I am not a huge fan of potato home fries, but I liked these a lot)

Snack: 2 medjool dates, tbsp almond butter.

I will try to straighten out the sporadic eating tomorrow, although a little concerned about supper as I have the final exam for my night course after work. At least its my last class until May 1st.

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Yesterday didn't plan my meals as well as I should have as I had the final exam for my night class and was a bit worked up about it. Day started off ok but sort of fell apart after lunch.

Breakfast: Leftover sweet potato, sausage stew from Sunday. Didn't have coffee before leaving for work out of laziness.

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Lunch: Zucchini Basil soup, almonds. Coffee with coconut milk.

Mini meal prior to exam: Banana, 2 dates, almonds. (Wanted to make sure my blood sugar didn't drop during my exam)

Mini meal after getting home: 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 dates.

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Today no night class so was able to eat on schedule.

Breakfast: leftover Jicama/green pea hash browns with cold pheasant. Coffee with coconut milk. The cat also had cold pheasant because she is a spoiled princess.

Arrival at work: Americano with coconut milk

Lunch: Banana, almonds, zucchini basic soup (in that order) coffee with coconut milk.

Supper: mashed carrots & turnips, brussels sprouts, pan fried (in ghee) steak that was pretty disappointing. I am still hungry. Probably didn't eat enough disappointing steak.

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Last night's party went fine. Everyone enjoyed my guacamole and baba ganoush. I managed to find enough food to eat: turkey, asparagus, peas, raw veggies and almonds and only drank soda water. There were a lot of people I didn't know there who were mostly curious about the Paleo/Whole 30 thing so luckily I didn't feel too uncomfortable.

Today For breakfast I had 3 steamed artichokes and banana pancakes (which is just banana, egg and cinnamon cooked in coconut oil - so actually a banana omelet. This is not a trigger food for me as I have been GF for about 12 years. No danger of going back to regular pancakes for me)

I am running low on regular coffee so mixed my remaining coffee beans with decaf beans and had with coconut milk. This was a mistake.I am on my 3rd cup of "half-caff" and am extremely cranky due to lack of caffeine.

Lunch: 2 dried figs, a bowl of cucumber soup (cucumber, avocado, spinach, apple, lemon juice, parsley) drizzled with olive oil. Pistachios.

I have put some pork loin chops with squash, parsnips and carrots in the slow cooker for supper. Hopefully it will turn out.

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