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AI Protocol for PCOS


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I am currently on day 51 of a Whole60. I originally started with a Whole30 but when day 30 came and went and I still wasn't feeling any better I decided to continue on for another 30 days. So far I'm still not feeling any different. I am still exhausted and none of my PCOS or hypothyroid symptoms have gotten better. I read ISWF and am currently reading The Paleo Solution and am contemplating on starting the AI protocol I originally didn't start with the protocol because I wanted to get used to cooking and eating the correct foods. Now that I feel like I can handle that I think it's time I start the protocol. I was wondering if anyone has any success with their PCOS symptoms on the protocol? Also, how long does it take to start seeing results with the protocol? I'm wondering if I should add more days onto the 60. I do eventually want to complete a full reintroduction because I am curious to how my body will react to the different foods but I plan on continuing to be paleo after that.

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I haven't been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, but I started the AIP after about 6 weeks W30 to address some inflammatory conditions and digestion. I noticed improvement almost immediately, I think mostly due to avoiding eggs which I am still sticking with despite a little off-roading. I plan to do a month AIP starting today. Then I'm going to start reintroductions working my way backward from least likely to react to most likely to react. I will not reintro grains or legumes. I have enjoyed my AIP foods very much though they are simpler and repetitive.

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Thanks Moluv for sharing your experience. I'm going to start the AI Protocol tomorrow. I've been having eggs for breakfast every day (I never get sick of them) and lot of peppers. I think it will be harder for me to stay away from the peppers than the eggs but I am willing to do it to see if it helps!

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