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The journey of a new life starts with 30 days


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My name is Christian. I am new to Whole30. I haven't read the book (have it ordered), but I am familiar with paleo nutrition. I stuggle with binge eating. I also have other issues such as mood and fatigue that I am hoping to free myself of. I am not really overweight, but I am well on my way. This time last year, I was very athletic. I enjoyed running, cycling, and lifting weights. I still lift and I am as strong as ever, but I have become too heavy to run, which is disappointing. I feel fat and disgusting, and it triggers me to overeat because I have become so hopeless that I will ever be lean and fit again. I do realize that this is not necessarily a weight loss program, and I am prepared to deal with the issues I have with body image. I do think if I can get out of the binge/restrict/overtrain/binge cycle, then surely I would lose weight. I realize that carbohydrate addiction is the root of my problems here, but there are some psychological aspects as well. I have high hopes that if I can stick with this, I will be happy with my results even if the weight loss is slow.

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My name is Christian. I am new to Whole30. I haven't read the book (have it ordered), but I am familiar with paleo nutrition. I stuggle with binge eating. I also have other issues such as mood and fatigue that I am hoping to free myself of. I am not really overweight, but I am well on my way. This time last year, I was very athletic. I enjoyed running, cycling, and lifting weights. I still lift and I am as strong as ever, but I have become too heavy to run, which is disappointing. I feel fat and disgusting, and it triggers me to overeat because I have become so hopeless that I will ever be lean and fit again. I do realize that this is not necessarily a weight loss program, and I am prepared to deal with the issues I have with body image. I do think if I can get out of the binge/restrict/overtrain/binge cycle, then surely I would lose weight. I realize that carbohydrate addiction is the root of my problems here, but there are some psychological aspects as well. I have high hopes that if I can stick with this, I will be happy with my results even if the weight loss is slow.

I'm in the same boat as you cavemam! I've been stuck in this cycle for over a year now. I am starting my whole30 tomorrow to kick my cravings and get healthy again. I am not exactly overweight, but like you mentioned, I feel I am too heavy to run because every time I do my knees/shins hurt. I actually started whole30 three days ago, but unfortunately today I gave in to a craving for walnuts, which led me to eat some off-plan foods. I am starting over tomorrow, but dropping the nuts since they had a negative psychological affect and led me back to the old habit I'm trying to break.

I really think that the whole30 and whole9 way of life will free us from our carb addictions and break our unhealthy relationships with food. I look forward to your future posts as I think our situations are very similar. Good luck!

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