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Whole 50 starts TODAY!

Wynne Jones

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I am so pleased to be back on W30! I tend to be an all or nothing sort of person - moderation is nearly impossible for me - so I have been eating some pretty nasty stuff (along with lots of good stuff) since my last W30 ended at the end of March.

One interesting thing about this time - I am in a weight loss challenge at work. I don't much care about losing weight, though I certainly could stand to lose 20 more pounds. It's just not my main priority. So I am hoping I can stay true to myself and my own goals while also experiencing some of the fun of doing a challenge with my co-workers.

I find it helpful to log the meals in advance - a plan rather than a diary of meals gone by. So here's what I had for breakfast and my plan for the day.

Meal 1 - baby kale sauteed in coconut oil, Aidell's sausage, two eggs overeasy, black coffee

Meal 2 - sweet potato, apple and more sausage drizzled w/ evoo; avocado half

Post WO - ??

Meal 3 - Big ol' salad, chicken thighs

If anyone reads this and has good ideas for a meal post workout, please let me know. What I really crave is a banana or apple with almond butter, but I know that's not ideal. I usually eat lunch at 11 and go for a 3-4 mile run with my dog around 3 - do I need to eat before hand? That's one area of the W30 I didn't pay much attention to last time, so I could use some advice. Thanks!

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1 - kale, tomato, ssg & egg scramble, black coffee; banana

2 - chix thighs in a balsamic tomato sauce over spinach

3 - I'm headed to a baby shower today during my regular dinner time. No idea what I may be faced with, but I know there will be plenty of fruits and veggies. I will probably eat that, then grab some protein when I get home.

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If anyone reads this and has good ideas for a meal post workout, please let me know. What I really crave is a banana or apple with almond butter, but I know that's not ideal. I usually eat lunch at 11 and go for a 3-4 mile run with my dog around 3 - do I need to eat before hand? That's one area of the W30 I didn't pay much attention to last time, so I could use some advice. Thanks!

Maybe a can of sweet potato, some walnuts, and jerky? Not that that goes particularly well together, but it fits the bill and is portable.

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