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4/25/13 - DAY 1!

Eva Rieb

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Hi all!!! Starting the W30 today with a girlfriend, her boyfriend, my mother-in-law, two coworkers.... and my husband will eat what I make him and smother it in cheese.

Feeling great - started eliminating things about two weeks ago to avoid too much of a headache. (Was a Diet Coke addict, red wine and cheese lover before all this...)


Anyone else starting today?

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I am on day one as well! This is my second whole30 and I wasn't planning on doing one again, but it's the only thing that made me feel great and I'm tired of feeling crappy lately, so I figured...hey, why not just start today?! I know what I'm doing this time around but I am alone, so I'm hoping i can keep myself motivated! good luck!

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