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Embarking on Whole30 starting May 2nd


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Good day to all! Today marks the beginning of a second attempt on a Whole30 diet for my husband and I. Our first go-round lasted 2 wks. and really went well, until my husband traveled for work and since he was going to 'go-off' while traveling, I did too while I was at home. (with no excuse because I was the one with our pantry and amazingly stocked fridge!) A whole week went by of mostly Whole30 eating but with a banana choc. chop muffin one day, chips and salsa another, etc. Too many cheats. Our resolve remains and second attempt for a completed Whole30 is underway. Also, I've found the forum to be a rich source of ideas, tips, and support and thought this forum would further encouragement.

Our main motivation is to re-set our immune systems and craving cycles. ISWF mentions a few cases of individuals experiencing amazing relief from seasonal allergies, and that's mainly what inspired our commitment. (for my husband has severe ones in spring and late summer). I'll give an update on his experience as spring slowly arrives here in northern MN. For me, I have a rare autoimmune disorder on my skin and am hoping the diet can hinder it's progress. (there's no known cure) Also, we both give in to sugar/bread cravings and since I'm at home teaching our kids, I baked a lot. I'm convinced that a juicy mango could satisfy as well as any scone and my coffee is better without a generous dollop of french vanilla creamer and a big rounded spoon of sugar. So, here we are through May 31st and on!

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Hi I'm responding to your post because my husband and I just started our very first Whole 30 on Monday (April 29)! So far it is going okay but I am living in constant fear that one or both of us is going to crack! Neither of us has ever gone this long without bread, sugar, dairy and so we need all the support we can get. I'm glad we are doing it together but when both of us are tired and having sugar withdrawl we might not have the patience for one another! So that's why I'm on here.

I just had a baby (our second daughter) 7 weeks ago. I know I still have some hormone craziness going on, but I'm really hoping that this Whole 30 will help balance those hormones faster since i'm cutting out all the crap (I was practically living off Cadbury Eggs over Easter!) and give me the energy I need to keep up with 2 kids and I will be going back to work in 3 weeks! Oh and let's be honest--YES I definitely want to lose weight! I gained 40lbs exactly with this pregnancy just like I did with my first. I've already lost 20lbs but I'm hoping this Whole 30 will kick-start some more weight loss too!

Your post resonated with me because you and your husband are doing Whole30 together and I too LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake. I often say that it is the only thing I am good at! I never thought I had a sensitivity to gluten or other foods, but maybe this experience will tell me differently.

Good luck on your round 2! Hope it goes well for you!

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Both of you are so lucky to have your husbands doing this with you! I finished yesterday and my husband was far from doing this with me. He was good in not tempting me with, "Just one bite/drink won't hurt you." but he ate a bunch of crap all the time and near the end was asking when I was going to start drinking or when were we going out for dinner someplace other than Chipotle or my favorite Thai/sushi place.

Working together, I know you all can do it! 30 days flies by! ;)

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At the Thai place, I have been getting Chicken Coconut soup or the Curry dishes made with coconut milk minus potatoes and rice....mor like a big bowl of soup! ;) They also have sushi so I get sashimi (sushi without the rice) on lettuce and shredded daikon radish. I don't get any sauces with it because I can eat it plain but you could take coconut aminos with you in place of soy sauce. If I get the soup, I'll add an avocado salad or steamed veggies with a side of avocado.

Now I know what I am having for dinner tonight!! :D

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I'm also starting the Whole30 today! I tried it last year, went about 2.5 weeks and the sugar cravings were too much. I eat paleo for the most part with the ocaissional sugar craving. I've resolved to give up coffee (I can't drink it w/o the creamer or syrup) and have totally switched back to healthy teas (green, oolong, etc.). My main concern is eating too much during this Whole30.

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Wonderful! I'm so excited! Some thoughts:

1) to erinmstoll: stay strong! and congrats on a new little one! Since 'Daddy' is doing this with you: Be honest with him about cravings, contact him if he's not home. Often when I call him during a tough moment my guy would laugh and admit his own struggles. Funny thing, they were mostly triggered by stressors (things around the home for me, problems at work for him) and really? food never solves stressors, either negative or positive. And, your success or his isn't dependent on each other. You're a team, and learning a whole new way of thinking and choosing how to feed yourselves. Give grace. Be cheesy cheerleaders for each other (but no hand motions please). And think what healthy choices you're modeling for your oldest! We have 3 kids and they're already beginning to make choices along with us.

2) to Jinkse21 and any others going spouse-less (or roommate-less): You're amazing. Truly. I realize what a gift it is to have a team mate at home, with my spouse. But on your own? You're determination and strength of will is inspiring, and I truly hope that the health benefits you experience become a motivator for your spouse. As I mentioned above, our kids aren't doing this with us. I know it's a little different, but they still have Easter candy in the house and I'm still buying 'banned' foods for them. Not as much, but still. To have it in the house is tough.

I wish we had a Chipotle in town. Sounds yummy. The nearest one to us is 2.5 hrs. away.

And Kati, how do you think you could eat too much during the Whole30? I'm simply curious. I also love green tea, it's notable how some glasses make me think I'm sipping a warm spring breeze. :)

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Great advice moeshe! Each day we do this I am SO glad my husband is doing it with me. We've both had our struggles this week--yesterady (day 7 for us) was really hard for him. He almost seemed depressed. I know he was tired from having to work late the night before but we eventually talked it out and I realized he may not be eating enough and that is why his energy is lagging so much late in the day. And I know we are both realizing how much we used food (and BEER! for him) as a crutch. Tired? Have some chocoate. Frustrated? Drink a beer. Bored? Make some cookies and eat half the dough! At one point yesterday he was being SO crabby that I asked him if he wanted to quit! He of course said no, but I think yesterday was a good reminder for us that Whole30 is much more than eating well. We really REALLY need to change our relationship with food.

My only complaints after the first week are that I feel like I am CONSTANTLY in the kitchen. Which is hard with a 2 year old and 2 month old. When I go back to work I know I will need to be extra prepared. Part of the reason I feel this way is that I feel like I need to make every meal really special and satisfying for us so we don't get bored. LIke I am already tired of sweet potatoes and its only day 8...and we only ate them 3 times this week!

So any meal ideas that you and your family enjoy that don't require that you spend hours in the kitchen?

And how is your second round going so far? Feelilng good I hope!

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I am feeling great, and have had a moment or two of struggle (like preparing a dinner a few days ago)... however,

It's interesting how you mention that you're uncovering how you used food as an emotional crutch. Me too. I'm trying to utilize those moments of struggle to reset how I handle "the grumps." Beer/wine has been mostly out of our lives for a year & a half, but my hubby had replaced sugar (in particular ice cream) for that evening calorie fill. We are doing our best to be intentional about discussing the ups/downs of the day. It needs to be a daily (yes, daily) pulse check on how we're doing with it all, for when we don't we get stuck in our 'old' thinking and cravings flex their muscles at us. Maybe part of the 'lows' you're husband is experiencing is because avoiding high sugar foods and grains is resetting your serotonin levels. I'm no expert, but if you're researchy, here's a link to a little about it from Robb Wolf's site: http://robbwolf.com/2012/10/05/serotonin-deficiency-food-cravings/ ISWF has a great chapters on this too: 5 & 8 if you have it.

meals. I try to have enough ingredients to make a double batch of stuff, I then freeze 1-2 meal portions in appropriate containers for a quick work lunch or last minute meal option on crazy days. coconut milk based meals do not freeze well, so be careful. I found the cookbook Well Fed to be helpful in encouraging my creativity and the idea of a weekly cook-up was an "A-ha!" moment regarding my kitchen time. I'm using more spices to flare dishes up (like pan frying kale and carrots in coconut oil with rah ja hanout spices for breakfast one morning). Other quick meal ideas:

* fresh baked fish + roasted asparagus in olive oil, minced garlic, salt&pepper, and slivered almonds.

* thai pineapple curry: http://www.spiciefoodie.com/2009/09/07/luscious-thai-chicken-pineapple-curry-and-the-5-flavors-of-thai-cuisine-2/ (this recipe is a little more in prep time but amazing. do use fresh cilantro it makes all the difference.)

* Italian meatballs in homemade tomato sauce (no sugar added)+spices with heaps of sauteed mushrooms, zucchini, and shallots.

* egg bake with any combo of veggies you can imagine. I oil a 9x13 glass dish with melted ghee beforehand and bake about 8 - 10 scrambled eggs with add-ins for 20-30 minutes in the oven at 350. leftovers can be cut into squares to reheat easily.

I also take the time to prep fresh veggies for quick salad mixes and stuff. My kids are older so they don't require immediate attention at times, but stores seems to carry many options of pre-sliced produce too (but at a higher cost). Hopefully this long answer helps you out a little!

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