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Started AIP 4/29/13


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Virtually alone in a movie theater last week and all by myself in the back rows, I searched Amazon for books on healing inflammation. It Starts with Food came up. With 500 nearly unanimously positive reviews, I decided I'd give it a shot.

I plowed through the book in a day and dived in to living it with no preparation. I spent a few frustrating but exciting days doing that before deciding to really, officially go for it. This is my official fourth day (AIP to ensure sensitivities don't counter the benefits). I seem to have gotten through most of the carb flu, thank goodness, and I'm excited to be learning a little more about cooking and eating healthy by the day. I closed out today with spaghetti squash and chicken. Mmm.

Better still, there's enough for a couple additional meals of the same! I love cooking, but I also love not having to cook. I also love that, after several years on PPIs, I have had only one tablet in eight days.

My biggest problem so far is insomnia. I'm hoping that goes away within the next week or two, as my body adapts.

I wasn't going to post here since I don't like spending much time online, but decided it would be nice to at least say hi. So, hi!

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Hi Deborah, welcome, nice to hear from you. Yes, however nice it is to cook, it's nice to have leftovers to get a break from it. Doing the AI protocol does make it more restrictive but there's quite a few on here doing it, there's a few threads about their experiences. So if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure someone will be able to help you, they're a really friendly bunch here. Good luck

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Thank you for the welcome, Kirsteen! I'm pretty happy on the leftover front at the moment, with a couple days' worth in my fridge. This is a huge change from just a week ago, when little was cooked (mostly raw veg/fruit+rice cooker rice) and little left over.

Speaking of rice, I dreamed I had a few bites before remembering Whole30. I was frustrated to have to start over for rice, but then extra glad to awaken. :)

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