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Happy Day 1 to me!

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Starting my Whole30 journey today! Over the past week I've been loosely implementing the W30 guidelines into my dietary lifestyle (I'm not a horrible eater in general, but I do love my baked goods) over the past week, and I've already been noticing changes just from those small changes! The biggest thing I have noticed is my sensitivity to sugar... Yesterday was my husband's birthday and I made a birthday cake for him (which is why I waited until today to start, so I could enjoy his birthday with him). I had that cake last night with some ice cream, and let me tell you all... I am feeling it today! It has torn up my gut... I feel like my gut is dealing with both the stomach flu and a hangover all at the same time! Now, it wasn't a small piece of cake, but I've still never been affected by sugar like this (well into the next day), no matter how much I had splurged. So, just last night into today has opened my eyes to what sugar has done to my body.

Anyway, just introducing myself since today is the official Day 1! Doing this with a co-worker, who is on day 3 today, and a friend just asked me about it... I told her I would extend my 30 days to do it with her as well if she decided to do it after her vacation. So my Whole30 might turn into a Whole45!

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