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Started today! April 25, 2017


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Hi everyone,

I'm super excited to start my first Whole 30 today.  I'm looking forward to improving my relationship with food and taking care of my body by eating well.  I'm generally a pretty healthy eater, but have seen how sugar and refined flour can create havoc for my mental health, so I'm looking forward to a tune up on those and exploring eliminating other things such as dairy.

Once question I have is that I have been taking a grass-fed, undenatured whey protein powder to assist with my moods after going off anti-depressants about a year ago.  I know the recommendation was not to have these, but I'm wondering if I should continue since it's specifically to address a mental health concern.

Any thoughts?

Thanks so much!



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Hi @Namaste2017 - Unfortunately if you are taking a dairy protein powder you wouldn't be doing a Whole30. Which is fine, of course, not everyone has to do so. We do say "doctor's orders trump Whole30 rules" however that generally doesn't apply to "my doctor told me that I have to eat 3 servings of whole grains a day" or "my doctor told me to have whey protein powder". 

That all said, we're not you. You live in your body, you know what your situation is and if you personally feel that you require that item in order to maintain overall mental wellness then we are not going to say you don't. Do understand though that you will not get to discover if dairy negatively affects you if you do not completely remove it from your diet.

It's up to you really. If you do decide to continue this protein powder during your whole30, we would ask you not to post about it in the open forums as we do moderate/censor non-compliant food discussions so as not to confuse people. The "Post Whole30 Log" portion of the forum would be a great place to post though and if you did want some feedback, you could request that from a moderator as those log sections aren't supervised.


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Hi Ladyshanny,

Thanks so much for your reply.  If it will cause problems with my Whole30 I will refrain from taking the protein for these 30 days, I'm feeling pretty solid lately and I'm sure the good foods I'm eating will help as well so I'm comfortable refraining from the protein.  I did not take it today on Day 1 just in case this was the case.

Thanks again!




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One more thing, @Namaste2017 - if you have a history of bumpy mental health including depression or anxiety, make sure that you are eating at least one fist sized serving of a starchy veggie every day. Maybe more. Judge based on your mood, sleep, mental wellness and energy. 

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