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Posts posted by Junejelly

  1. Hello "Can I have?"ers,

    After 2 clicks on the internet and I have ruled out Coconut Palm Sugar.  However!  I noticed the picture by another poster, Adagio?, and THAT is coconut aminos!  Nothing at all sweet in flavor, its a liquid, and if i'm not mistaken, the best replacement for soy sauce!  As for its refinement —?—.  The refinement part is the only reason I'm not going to use coconut palm sugar.  Cocao powder, flaky salt, and a sprinkle of coconut palm sugar was really making a nice chocolate 'covered' strawberry dip!  It will probably just taste even better without it - this program has been so full of surprises.

    The 1st click though?  Such a bummer that WW would cast any type of negative shadow on our beloved program….  I have learned so so sooo much about hunger cravings, cooking and prepping whole foods, etc - by following it.  That Dr. Katz, in this article below, must eat like a total pig and not even KNOW what being truly healthy feels like.  I would say he most certainly saw it as unattainable and has never tried it:

    https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/blog/weight-loss/whole30#:~:text=On Whole30%2C adherents must cut,fruit juice as a sweetener.

    Furthermore, as a mother of a Type 1 diabetic, shame on them for thinking that Whole30 is in competition!  They could be the most beautiful compliment to one another if the writing staff could see it- Noom, Whole30, WW and so many other programs are purely advantageous.  They all help individuals get motivated to find vibrant, exciting lives again!!!  (Add some OrangeTheory in there too!).


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