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Posts posted by hmb13

  1. We as moderators see a lot of confusion around here on what constitutes a serving of eggs when eggs are your primary protein source. We tell you as many as you can hold in your hand without dropping but I still don't think people actually try this. So I thought I'd post a visual for you folks. It would be fun if other people added their own pictures too. Try the experiment.


    Context - I'm 5'4" female and these are large eggs.


    4 eggs?! For breakfast, I eat *two* cooked in fat (usually coconut oil), along with either 1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 avocado, or a banana -- and that keeps me plenty satiated until lunch. Sometimes I'll switch it up and scramble my 2 eggs with zucchini & onions or whatever other veggies I happen to have in the fridge.

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