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  1. This is a really great thread. Just wanted to share my success story... I did a Whole30 in an attempt to balance my hormones and help my PCOS. Whole30 seems to have (temporarily) fixed my hormones and my period. I'm on day 25 of Whole30. I don't take the pill, and I tend to have very long menstrual cycles with lots of nasty PMS-y symptoms. Before this, I was eating lots of Whole30 foods, but also a lot of other things too. Often, my menstrual cycles were anywhere between 40 and 55 days, and I couldn't always identify if I ovulated, which worried me because I hope to become pregnant sometime in the next year. Well...I just got my period today - this cycle was 35 days! I still had a few irritable moments and a little bloating but overall less PMS symptoms. I was also able to clearly identify when I ovulated. I can definitely vouch for the Whole30 when it comes to balancing hormones. I don't use a scale and I don't know how much I weigh, but I tend to gain weight in my torso. It seems like some of it shifted to my thighs and backside...my pants are a bit looser in the waist and tighter in the butt. Lifting weights 3x per week may have contributed to this, too. So now I know how to make my periods regular, but I'm not sure if they will stay this way. I am preparing for reintroduction, but I feel a little anxious about it. I hope I will eventually learn which types of foods are throwing my hormones out of balance, but this could take some time. I mostly avoid sugar, but I love dairy products and everything with gluten, especially pizza, oh and wine too! Anyway, I just wanted to share because I never thought I could balance my hormones myself through these simple changes. Wishing you all a happy period. Hang in there.
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