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Posts posted by AmyS

  1. They may be a "can I have..." post, but what about adding egg whites? (FYI I'm new and just starting my first 30 tomorrow). I didn't see any "added" things, just egg whites...is it ok to add egg whites to scrambled eggs?

    We want you to eat the whole egg. That is to say, add whole eggs to your scrambled eggs. ;)

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  2. 1. Where would you go on your Whole30 Dream Vacation?

    2. What would you eat? Would you make your own food? Dine out? Have a personal chef?

    3. Pick a few of our other
    and include those into your dream vacation. What would you focus on: fun and play? Exercise? Stress management? Active recovery? How would you factor in other healthy initiatives into your Whole30 Dream Vacation?

    It's funny because I don't necessarily think of vacations as restful, indulgent experiences. When I travel, I travel with my children, who are very agreeable travelers and who love new adventures. We have lots (and lots and lots) of fun, but if I were planning some sort of vacation just for me, I would not do many of the things that are absolutely necessary when traveling with children. In other words, I think of that time as fun, but I certainly don't regard it as a vacation. I'm still very much on the job.

    If I were to plan a vacation that didn't include the children, the first condition would be that I would have to arrange for their care in such a way that I didn't worry about them. That could be easily enough done by leaving them in the excellent care of their father. But at the moment I feel somewhat cautious about how far away I'd like to be. (I know those years are soon going to be over, my girls are nine, and pretty soon, before I know it, they will be off into the wider world and I'll be planning everything without considering their immediate needs - so strange to contemplate that.)

    So - perhaps I'd go to the other side of the island for a few days, with someone special. If this is really a dream vacation, I'd stay at one of the world class resorts that I usually just go see. I'd eat from the local farmer's markets as much as possible, and have some very nice restaurant cuisine too - fresh local food gone high end, why not? I know I'd have to ask how it's prepared, but I know I could find delicious food all around me.

    I would spend time just sitting near the water, reading, spending time with that someone special, and perhaps taking some long walks at sunset.

    I live in Hawaii, but for me it's just a (very) nice place to live and work. I'm only a couple of hours' drive from the world class resorts that put Hawaii on the map as a paradise destination. I'd like to actually experience that. Also, this being a small island, I'd probably know at least some of the resort staff!

    Hm. I'm thinking this could be a thing.

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