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Feeling great except for workouts

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I am a BF momma of a nine month old. I am on day 21, and while I feel good during the day (especially since there is no slump at 2 or 3 p.m.) I am struggling through my workouts. I usually feel stronger and more capable than this. I have referred to the meal planning over and over, but I am still not feeling my best during my workouts. All my muscles seem fatigued. My milk supply is still good, and baby boy is nice and happy so I am guessing I am eating enough. Actually, I feel like I am eating quite a lot. I want to feel that strength and excitement I have for the rest of my day in my workouts too. Any suggestions?

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Can you share what you are generally eating on a daily basis?

Are you eating preworkout and post workout meals? You may want to even add a 4th meal to support your breast feeding. Just some thoughts I have gathered from others here.

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Pre-workout I will eat 1-2 eggs, or chicken salad (chicken breast, homemade mayo, and curry). Protein and a little fat. Post-workout I eat chicken (maybe about 4 oz.)with yams, or a yam and some other protein. I try to eat it within 30 minutes of my workout. Prior to Whole 30 I would have eaten a banana and spoonful of peanut butter before and a green smoothie after, maybe with protein powder. Eating the protein is new to me (though it shouldn't have been). It's good because I have to plan ahead now. Am I misunderstanding the meal plan?

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You sound spot on! You answered my other question in my head just now about making sure you are getting enough starchy veggies.

I am hoping someone with more knowledge in this area can chime in!

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How often are you BFing? What kind of workouts are you doing, and how often? How much sleep are you getting in an uninterrupted chunk at night? Are you on the lower end or higher end of added fat in meals? Are you hungry between meals?


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Well, I am BFing about every 3-4 hours during the day.  My workouts vary by day.  I alternate between strength training with weights, interval cardio, and about once a week distance running.  Uninterrupted sleep?  Perhaps this is my biggest problem.  My baby has been teething this last month and is up quite often.  I am lucky to get 5 hours in before he wakes.  I need to retrain his sleeping.  Pre- Whole 30 I was low on fats, but I think I am on the higher end now.  As far as eating.  I feel hungriest at lunch time and eat quite a lot, but then I am not so hungry at dinner time.  Perhaps I am overeating at lunch.  I just finished my Whole 30 yesterday; however, I think I will be continuing on as I have a few more issues to figure out with my body.  I am pleased with many things that have happened so far.  I am not having a lull in the day.  I feel good inside and out.  My skin is beginning to clear up from acne.  I'd love your thoughts, Melissa, on how to find that energy.  I don't really want to add back in the grains.  I think that has been a key to many of the successes I've seen, but I would love to feel that strength that I know I am capable of.

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