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kb0426 last won the day on June 2 2013

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About kb0426

  • Birthday 04/26/1966

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  1. My SCOBY has been hanging out since last year when it started to get too cool around here for proper brewing. I have not been adding any tea as it sat above the refrigerator. This will definitely be an experiment as I start brewing again! No mold but such a strong odor of vinegar of course! I think I will get a bottle or two of plain GTs and put my SCOBY in there and start brewing again. Like you said LadyM, it gets to be an expensive habit when not brewing your own!
  2. My only advice is this: 1. Have fun 2. There are no kombucha failures. Just lessons on how to improve the next time . Kind of like the whole30. Or life Seriously, have a great time with it!
  3. I have done that successfully in the past. Do be careful, as missmary cautions, as those concentrates are extremely high in sugar.
  4. I have only cleaned mine out once since May. Must be time again!
  5. Well, see, that made way too much sense for me to figure out. I could do the same this weekend!
  6. I never have extra. I have 1 1.5 gallon continuous brew going. Just this week, I decided that since it has gotten colder, I am going to need longer than a week in my first fermentation. This made me sad. I had such a great 7 day rhythm going! That means I will actually have to pay for some booch this week. Shameful I tell ya! Also, those of you with not a lot of fizz...I was having low fizz booch (blech) and extended my second fermentation and that took care of it! As I said, I was doing 7 days, now will likely have to increase second fermentation too. Gasp. I think I might have to BUY booch next week too! Oh, the horrors.
  7. Flat booch to me just does not agree with my taste buds! My understanding was to leave as little room as possible, but I do leave a bit at the top - call me paranoid. I do perform one burp after a couple of days, in a 7 day second fermentation. i do take caution to open over the sink or a towel . I have not had it shoot 30 feet however.
  8. If you need more evidence of the fizz in my booch, check this out! Another batch of hibiscus ginger .
  9. I believe you need some caffeine to feed your SCOBY. The actual kombucha itself has a very low quantity of caffeine since it gets eaten during the first fermentation. I have been wrong before, however . I use a 1.5 gallon glass container for continuous brewing. This website has everything you ever needed to know about making kombucha! http://www.kombuchakamp.com/ Happy Brewing!
  10. I have been purchasing loose hibiscus/ginger tea from my co-op. I put about a tbs of leaves in my booch and second ferment for about 7 days. It is da bomb! And I mean that quite literally as it is the fizziest booch I have ever made! I strain out the leaves before drinking. Isn't it pretty?
  11. Interesting question! I have never even considered this. I tend to drink mine when I get home for work for "cocktail" hour.
  12. I am happy to announce that my booch is back to being fuzzy! Lizzard you are my hero! Second fermenting for a few extra days has definitely brought my fizzy back! Now that coffee booch has me intrigued! I am glad I started a new SCOBY a few days ago!
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