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Vian's Whole30 Journal


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Might as well start, even though I'm 4 days into my Whole30.


Day 1: Evil, evil caffeine headache that made me miserable all day


Day 2: mild headache all day, went shopping at the farmer's market and got my veggies for the week!


Day 3: Still have the mild headache, ugh carb flu...


Day 4: This morning I woke up and still had that mild headache going on, not sure what's up with it. I have not entered the "Kill all the things" phase, but I didn't really get that phase when I went paleo the first time, so not sure I will. My legs are still sore from doing 20 squats and 20 lunges on day 1! This is the longest case of DOMS I've ever had >.<.


Breakfast was 4 eggs, 2 of them scrambled with green onion, bell pepper, spinach and mushrooms in ghee with half an avocado smashed on top and 2 more eggs fried over easy and laid on top. Mmm runny yolks!


Lunch will be leftovers from lastnight, my wrapper-less wonton soup with pea shoots and carrots.


Dinner was paprika chicken with sweet potato pancakes (shredded sweet potato and onion with egg salt and pepper, fried in coconut oil) and roasted asparagus drizzled with ghee.

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Yesterday I had 3 eggs and some sweet potato for breakfast.


Lunch was leftover chicken, sweet potato and asparagus


Dinner was a large salad with chicken and the avocado dressing from ISWF

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Day 6:


shiitake mushrooms, bell peper, green onion and spinach scrambled with 1 egg with half an avocado mashed up and 2 more eggs fried on top. also some shredded sweet potato and onion (all fried in ghee) 


Salad with leftover chicken breast and the classic pantry dressing from ISWF, also threw some black olives on it. had a handful of grapes.


ground beef with onion, carrots and kale, cooked in coconut oil and then drizzled with full fat coconut milk at the end. handful of raspberries and blackberries with a few spoonfuls of coconut milk (I could seriously drink that stuff out of the can)


I find myself still getting hungry after 2-3 hours, rather than being able to wait 4-5 hours between meals. Last time I went paleo, I ate 1500-1600 calories a day and was never hungry. Even doing crossfit, I just wasn't ever hungry. Now I find myself hungry frequently and even getting headaches akin to eye strain that are alleviated with eating something. Since I stopped eating paleo the last time, I frequently was eating well over 2000 calories (sometimes in the 2300 range) and was maintaining my weight of 214-218 pounds, but I was also spending 10 hours a day, 4 days a week on my feet and walking around a large hospital, so I was relatively active. Any ideas on why I keep getting so hungry? 

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Day 7


Sam scramble as above for breakfast, leftover hash for lunch plus some grapes, and a good sized burger topped with guacamole with roasted baby carrots and sauteed zucchini and spring squash with some cherries for "desert"


I spent the day trying to fix our koi pond, so got some good exercise. I did get kind of hungry before dinner and had a hard boiled egg and some carrots. Still struggling with headaches and being hungry.

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Day 8


Had the same thing for breakfast (easier for me to just have the same thing every day unless I outright am craving something different...for instance I might make some home made breakfast sausage this weekend...)


Lunch was leftovers


Dinner I made a fantastic stirfry with eye of round steak, shaved carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas and green onions. The sauce was about 1/2 cup of beef bone broth with about 1/4 c. water, 2 rounded teaspoons arrowroot powder, about 1 tsp. red boat fish sauce, and about 2 tbs. coconut aminos, with a pinch of himalayan rock salt. Sauteed the meat and veggies in coconut oil, then drizzled with sesame oil after I served it up.

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Day 9


I went to the farmer's market today to stock up on veggies for the week. The egg guy wasn't there today! I was so sad! I buy a dozen pastured soy-free, corn-free organic eggs from him every week, but he wasn't there today ;-; I miss them already!


Also went to costco with mom to stock up on chicken, inferior eggs and kerrygold butter. My dad met us there with my sister and they all had lunch while I sat there hungry. But I didn't succumb! We went home and I had my leftovers.


Meal 1: 2 (inferior) eggs scrambled with mushroom, green onion and bell pepper with 4 ounces of my home-made breakfast sausage


Meal 2: Leftover stirfry with a small peach and a small scoop of almond butter


Meal 3: Roasted chicken marinated in onions, garlic, (compliant) mustard, fresh thyme, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper, with roasted carrots, sweet potatoes and cauliflower and steamed asparagus.

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Day 10 (yesterday)


Feeling pretty good. Went to church this morning and my pastor went long so I was starving when I got home. Spent the rest of the day just trying to stay cool, it was 95 degrees yesterday! Last week it was 60 and raining, so quite a sudden shift!


Meal 1: I decided I wasn't getting enough veggies with breakfast, so I tried browning up some of my home made sausage in some ghee, then tossing in a whole grated zucchini with some diced bell pepper and onion and getting it all softened, then I scrambled in two eggs. It turned out really good!


Meal 2: Lefftover chicken, roasted veggies and asaragus, 1 small peach.


Meal 3: More leftover chicken on top a caesar salad. I made my own dressing and left out the parmesan cheese (and I missed it, but it was still good). and threw in some olives and a hard boiled egg too.

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Day 11


Another day of just trying to stay cool! It's sooo hot out today, so i didn't really get anything done.


Meal 1: Zucchini and sausage scramble


Meal 2: caesar salad


Meal 3: Taco salad with ground beef and lots of peppers and onions and some compliant salsa ontop lettuce with some guacamole. handful of cherries.

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Day 12


Played some DDR this morning and got a good sweat going. It's way too hot. Got my kitchen clean too! woot!


Meal 1: Zucchini sausage egg scramble


Meal 2: Leftover taco meat in lettuce "tacos" with guacamole, a spoonful of almond butter and a handful of cherries.


Meal 3: Pot roast with carrots, onions, and cabbage, a small peach.

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Day 13


Got some cleaning done on the kitchen and got my hair cut today.


Meal 1: zucchini egg sausage scramble


Meal 2: leftover potroast, handful of grapes


Meal 3: grilled chicken with roasted asparagus and mashed sweet potato (made with ghee and coconut milk) and a small peach cut up and drizzled with coconut milk.

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Day 14


Meal 1: eggs, sausage, and zucchini scramble


Meal 2: leftover chicken, asparagus and sweet potato


Meal 3: grilled burgers with caramelized onions and caesar salad, handful of cherries and a spoonful of almond butter.

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