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Kidney Infection/kidney stones

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I am on my first W30 and it is Day 26.  I am loving how I am feeling and how much mental clarity I have compared to a month ago.


I am very nauseous from the high level of pain, in the past, I would drink soda and suck on sour candy...that is so not compliant :)


Any suggestions on ways to alleviate the queasiness?  


Oh, and the best part of my doctor's visit?  My Doctor being more concerned that I am in ketosis than the face that my kidney is severely infected.  She was also very concerned that I was not eating grains or dairy, how do I expect to be healthy??

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  • 3 months later...

We'll I hope you've passed the stones by now. I've passed more than a handful since I was 13 and the following have worked for me. Again, I'll emphasize that they worked for ME and may not work for you or others.

1. Jumping on a trampoline.

2. One night, try to have dinner by 6pm and fast for 4 hrs. Around 10pm drink a concoction of equal parts fresh squeezed lemon juice and olive oil (it's a hard swallow). Usually 1oz of each. When done, drink at least two glasses of water...you'll start feeling a bit woozy and go to bed. After doing this, I usually pass the stone in the morning.

3. When not on whole30 and if you can tolerate it....drink beer. No seriously....it relaxes your muscles (so you don't tense up when feeling pain) and makes you urinate. Be sure to drink water along with the beer.

I know the pain you are referring to. It's horrible. Call your doctor if you can't handle it!!!!

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