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period is MIA


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I stupidly attempted to lose body fat by restricting caloric intake to 1,300 per day and using MyPlate (an app on my phone) to count calories. I was going away for Memorial Day Weekend and wanted hip cuts. I know, I know.. it was not smart to limit my intake like that. Keep in mind I workout with very intense workouts several times a week. Anyways I've smartened up and began following the Whole30 meal template. I officially started my Whole30 the end of June but was following the template for the most part a few weeks prior. I deleted my calorie tracker and haven't stepped on the scale. I haven't had a period since February and am wondering if I should be concerned or if any of you have had similar experiences. I'm sure it was directly related to the limited caloric intake in combination with the intensity of my workouts.  I'm just hoping it's not negatively affecting my body by not having one and hoping it sorts itself out now that I'm eating a LOT more. 

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I know it's against Whole30 rules, but I wonder if getting on the scale to make sure you aren't losing weight would help. If you are still going down, maybe you need to increase the fat that you are eating? Good luck - I'm not sure how long it would take to get your cycle back once your calorie intake is adequate.

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It'll likely take a few months to get back on track if you're eating right now.  During periods of stress, the body stops ovulating, which in turn prevents having a period, because it realizes conditions aren't right to get pregnant.  It's a defense mechanism so the body can't get pregnant during a famine or periods of high stress.  Your body may be looking for some extra fat and carbs during this time, so play around with different sources of each.  

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I had this exact same thing happen to me. I lost mine for 2 years after some intense calorie restriction and intense crossfit. I would up your fat/carb intake as your body craves it and way dial back on the workouts. I literally let myself eat as much coconut butter as I wanted....my body was starving. Be prepared for some extra woman weight to come on and understand that it's a sign of healing and health. fertility does not equal hip cuts...a hard lesson I learned as well. 


If after a month or so of significantly increased fat and carb intake and still no sign of a cycle. I would contact a functional medicine practitioner to help take a look under the hood. Your hormone levels made need a jump start that current lifestyle factors can't provide. 


Private message me and we can talk more about this.

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