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Starting (again...) tomorrow, July 10


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Hi everyone, 


I start my 2nd attempt at a W30, tomorrow, July 10.  I had started one back in late February  and was doing pretty well until my father died.  He was elderly and not well, so it wasn't completely unexpected, but of course, you are never fully prepared.  Anyway, I got thrown off track for a number of reasons.  I am back now, however, and would like to see this through.  I'm hoping to lose a little weight and get my blood sugar back in good control.  I have Type 1 diabetes.  I'm also hoping to reduce inflammation so that my arthritis and joint pain is reduced.


I have been eating more paleo than not, but of course not nearly as clean as a W30.  Any help, advice or support is appreciated.  Good luck to me and anyone else who recently started or who is starting soon!

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