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Started July 1st and a bit discouraged


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O.K. first, I'll confess I started this program to lose weight. I've followed to a T giving up even my tea that had soy lecithin in it! No coffee, no gum, no snacking. However, I know my body and if Istepped on the scale today I would have either not lost or gained weight. I kind of expected that my clothes would start to feel loser by now. Has anyone had this similar experience and does the "really burning calories" mode eventually kick in? I will say that I do feel good :).

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Remember that the point of this program is to set aside foods that don't serve your body, take good care of yourself, and disengage from that 'worth is tied to the numbers on the scale' thinking. Weight loss is common, but really not the point. You are doing a good and positive thing for yourself every single day that you choose to fill up with good things and not eat foods that are inflammatory and damaging to your body. Will you lose weight? Probably. Give yourself a 30 day vacation from worrying about that. Set aside all the noise and everything your brain wants to throw at you about 'Can't have this/can't have that' and enjoy all the good things you can have. It has only been a little more than a week. Good things will happen. 

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You don't have to confess, many of us started with weight loss one of many things we want to do.   B)   

I felt physically better immediately, but it wasn't until Week Three/Early Week Four that I REALLY began to feel a big difference in loose clothing.  And I was convinced the entire time that I would be the only one who could see the changes, feel that I was less "swollen".  But when I took my before and after pics yesterday I was stunned that the difference was very clear.   So.  Hang in there.  If you were on any other program you would not have shed a bunch of pounds in 11 days.  You are fixing your body from the inside out and that is the smartest way to do it.  Don't give up!     

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I agree with what the others have said. Keep on going and remember how good you feel. This is so good for your body. It may take a while for your body to let go of that weight but you are healing your insides first. I am trying to remember this too. I have over 100 pounds to lose but every time I've tried to lose weight, that is all I concentrate on. This time I've read the book, know the reasons and really want to get healthy for me and my body and I'm really not thinking about the weight. I hope I lose but that is so not my focus right now. I'm on day 6 but I already feel like my body is starting to heal. I feel happy that I am choosing to put whole, fresh, delicious foods in my body because for once in my life I really care about what I am doing to it. I did all the damage to my poor body and now I'm trying to make it feel better so I can live a longer, happier, more active life. We can do this!

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Rock on, @sperrygrass. I have roughly 140 pounds yet to lose (I've already lost 65) and I have to remind myself every day that it doesn't really matter how long it takes....I went wheat and sugar free in September 2012 and have enjoyed so many health benefits even just from those changes....I feel like I'd been poisoning myself with processed food for years and every day I get stronger and feel more well. The destination is exciting to contemplate but, eating this way, the journey is pretty excellent too. At least I eat lots of nourishing food I enjoy and I'm not sitting scraping crappy sauce out of the corners of a little plastic tray because it was 'only 7 Points'. What a miserable path that was to be on. (And I was on it multiple times). We now have the tools to chisel a warrior out of this body. Keep on hammering. :)

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Good morning gang. Thank you for the encouragement. I needed it. Perspective is good. I at one point was 60 pounds heavier then I am right now and want to get off the pesky 10 pounds that keeps creeping back on me. Almost every day I have a temper tantrum because I want my gum, my sweet coffee or tea and my diet coke. Honestly those are the 3 things that I miss the most - lol! The rest I can live without. But I guess if I'm having temper tantrums over them then we could probably spell those three things ADDICTION (well, except maybe the gum because it's really only something I chew when I exercise. It moistens my mouth). I'm drinking tons of water. I'm just waiting for the magic to happen. Thanks for keeping my toe to the line. Patience is not a strong suit for me :). And congrats to all of you on your weight loss! Keep going. In the end you will be so happy that you are healthy and in the body you were created to have.

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